When is Janmashtmi in 2024, Information about the actual date of Janmashtami in 2024?, When to keep Janmashtami fast?, From when to when is Rohini Nakshatra?, Astrological remedies for janmahstmi. Krishna Janmashtmi 2024: According to the scriptures, Shri Krishna was born on Ashtami Tithi, Rohini Nakshatra, Taurus Zodiac and on Wednesday. In 2024, Janmashtami is falling on August 26, Monday. Ashtami Tithi begins at around 3:41 AM on the 26th and will last until around 2:21 AM on the 27th. Rohini Nakshatra begins at around 3:56 PM on the 26th and will last until around 3:37 PM on the 27th. Janmashtami 2024 Janmashtami 2024 Puja Muhurat: On 27th August at night from 12:01 to 12:45 AM (Nishith Kaal) will be the best time to worship Balgopal. Puja duration - 44 minutes Krishna is believed to be the incarnation of lord vishnu and this divine process of taking birth took place in the midnight of Ashtmi tithi After the full Moon day as per hindu calender. Krishna Janmashtm...