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Showing posts with the label Mars Transit predictions


When Will Mars Direct Influence On 12 Zodiacs

When will Mars Direct, what will be the effect of Direct Mars on 12 zodiac signs, which zodiac sign people will benefit the most, horoscope predictions. Mars Direct 2025: On Monday, 24 February, on the day of Ekadashi, Mars will be DIRECT in Gemini in the transit horoscope, due to which the fortunes of many people will start changing. Mars Direct 2025: Mars is related to power, valor, courage, energy, land, blood, brother, war etc., due to which whenever there is any change in Mars, its effect is seen in public life and environment. When Will Mars Direct Influence On 12 Zodiacs Let us know what will be the effect of "Direct Mars" on 12 zodiac signs? Wath Predictions on Youtube Aries Horoscope Predictions: When Mars turns direct on 24th February, the courage of the Aries people will increase, due to which you will be able to take risks to move forward in life, you may have to go on short trips in connection with work, people who are facing some kind of problem due to Ma...

When will mars enter in gemini sign predictions

When will mars transit in Gemini sign 2025,  predictions of mangal in mithun rashi, know love horoscope,  Mars Transit in Gemini 2025. On 21st Of January 2025, Tuesday at around 8:03 AM, Mars will leave Taurus sign and enter Gemini, which is the enemy sign of Mars.  Therefore, we will get to see a lot of its effect in the lives of the people and in the environment. According to Vedic astrology, Mars is the factor of courage, energy, land, power, brother, might, valor, temper etc. If Mars is auspicious in the horoscope, then the person becomes courageous, becomes fearless, gives land benefits, also makes him romantic. Due to inauspicious Mars, the person has to go through many types of problems.  Mars Transit in Gemini 2025 When will mars enter in gemini sign predictions हिंदी में पढ़िए मंगल मिथुन राशि में कब जायेंगे 2025 में और क्या होगा राशिफल   Let us know that what will be the changes in the life of 12 zodiac signs due to the transit of Mars in Gemini?...

Retrograde Mars In Cancer Sign Astrology Predictions

Effect of Retrograde Mars, Mars will be retrograde on 7 December, what will be the effect of retrograde Mars on the 12 zodiac signs?, Meaning of Retrograde Mars, वक्री मंगल का 12 राशियों पर प्रभाव . Retrograde Mars 7 December 2024 : The commander of the planets, Mars, which is related to land, courage, energy, bravery, valor, power, is going to be retrograde on 7 December 2024 Saturday, due to which big changes will be seen in the lives of 12 zodiacs people. The thing to keep in mind here is that Mars is currently in its Debilitated zodiac CANCER and will be retrograde here. Mars is the lord of Aries and Scorpio. It is exalted in Capricorn and gives Debilitated results in Cancer. Retrograde Mars In Cancer Sign Astrology Predictions Watch Video Here Let us know what will be the effect of Retrograde and Debilitated Mars on the 12 zodiac signs? Aries Horoscope: With Mars retrograde in the debilitated sign on 7th December, instability will increase in the life of Aries people, restles...

Efefcts Of Shadashtak Yoga of Mars and Saturn

What will be the effect of Mars and Saturn's Shadashtak Yog, why is Mars acting inauspicious, when will Mars transit change, what will be the effect of Mars on the 12 zodiac signs. Mars has been in Cancer since 20 October 2024 which is its Debilitated zodiac sign, although Mars changes its zodiac sign in about 45 days but this time it will remain in this zodiac for a long time and along with that its Shadashtak Yog will remain with Saturn which will be very harmful for some people. Efefcts Of Shadashtak Yoga of Mars and Saturn हिंदी में पढ़िए मंगल और शनि के षडाष्टक योग का क्या प्रभाव होगा ? Let us know how will be the movement of Mars in the coming time: Mars will be retrograde in Cancer on 6 December. And then will enter Gemini on 21 January 2025. And then Mars will be direct in Gemini on 24 February. And then will enter Cancer on 4 February. Mars is related to power, aggressiveness, that is why we will see the inauspicious effect of Mars in people's lives and on the weat...

Mars transit in Cancer Predictions

Mars transit in Cancer Predictions  2024, know horoscope, Mars Transit in Cancer 2024 predictions, Influence of Debilitated Mars on 12 zodiacs. Mars Transit in Cancer 2024:  When Mars, the planet of courage, energy and power, changes its zodiac sign, big changes are seen in the weather and in the lives of people. On 20 October 2024 at 3:04 pm, Mars will transit from Gemini to Cancer and will become debilitated, so many people will need to be very careful. Mars is the lord of Aries and Scorpio, so the effect of the transit of Mars can be easily seen on them too. Mars is the son of earth and  is related to courage, energy, power, land, weapons, anger, war etc. If Mars is auspicious and powerful in the horoscope, then the person achieves success because of own courage and hard work. Due to inauspicious Mars in the birth chart, problems arise in marriage, accidents may take place, diseases arise time to time etc. Mars transit in Cancer Predictions हिन्दी में पढ़िए मंगल के कर्क...

Mars Transit In Taurus Predictions

Effect of Mars transit in Taurus sign, When will Mars go in Taurus sign, Effect of Mars transit on 12 zodiacs. Effect of Mars transit in Taurus sign July 2024 : According to astrology, Mars is related to courage, power, passion to achieve something, land, energy etc. That is why if Mars becomes auspicious and powerful in the horoscope, then the person appears very successful, he gets respect and prestige.  Mars is the lord of Aries and Scorpio. It is exalted in Capricorn and debilitated in Cancer.  Looking at the qualities of Mars, it has got the status of a commander.  Mars will enter Taurus on 12 July 2024 at around 7:02 pm and will remain in this zodiac till 26 August.  The change in the zodiac sign of Mars has a huge impact on the 12 zodiac signs.  Mars Transit In Taurus Predictions हिंदी में पढ़िए मंगल का वृषभ राशी में गोचर का फल क्या होगा ? Let's know the Impacts on 12 zodiacs: Aries Horoscope Predictions(Chu, Che, Cho, La, Lee, Lu, Le, Lo, A): The tr...

Mars Transit In Aries Sign Predictions

What will be the effect of Mars' transit in Aries, when will Mars go into Aries, what will be the effect on the 12 zodiac signs due to Mars entering Aries, Horoscope. Mars Transit June 2024 : On 1st June, Saturday, Mars will enter its own sign Aries, due to which a Raj Yoga named Ruchak will be formed. This transit will be very beneficial for many people. Mars has the status of the commander of all the planets in Vedic astrology and it is considered to be the planet of land, power, courage, bravery, blood, energy, brother, valor, bravery. It is the lord of Aries and Scorpio. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, while it is debilitated in Cancer. As soon as Mars enters its own sign, Raj Yoga will be formed, due to which many people will get good fortune, some people will get the blocked money, some people will get land, some people's relationships will get stronger, some people's valor will increase, etc.  Mars Transit June 2024 Mars Transit In Aries Sign Predictions मंगल ...

Mars transit in pisces prediction

When will mars transit in pisces, what changes may occur due to transit of mars in pisces sign, मंगल का राशि परिवर्तन का असर क्या होगा 12 राशियों पर, predictions by astrologer. On 23rd Of April Tuesday at around 8:18 am , Mars will enter in its friendly zodiac sign Pisces and it will remain here till Ist of June 2024. This zodiac change of Mars is very auspicious because Jupiter is already sitting in Pisces and now when Mars comes in Pisces, the combination of both will bring big changes. Mars transit in pisces prediction हिंदी में पढ़िए मंगल का मीन राशि में गोचर का राशिफल  Let us know changes in the lives of 12 zodiac signs people: Aries Horoscope predictions: On April 23rd, with the transit of Mars in Pisces, there will be chances for Aries people to invest in land. A lot of money can be spent in health issues or in maintenance of vehicle and land. Those who want to go abroad for a long time will get chance. Take care of your diet, otherwise you may suffer from problems rel...

Transit of Mars In Aquarius Predictions

Transit of Mars In Aquarius Predictions, 2024 mars transit, how will the transit of Mars in Aquarius be for 12 zodiac signs, when will Mars enter Aquarius. Mangal Gochar 2024: According to Vedic astrology, the commander of the planets, Mars, will enter Saturn's zodiac sign Aquarius on Friday, March 15 and will become Neutral. Mars is related to strength, energy, land, brother, courage, bravery, war etc. Mars is said to be the lord of Aries and Scorpio. Mars is exalted in Capricorn and debilitated in Cancer. Transit of Mars In Aquarius Predictions हिंदी में पढ़िए मंगल का गोचर कुम्भ राशि में  Let us know what will be the time of transit of Mars? Mars, the commander of the planets, will enter its neutral sign Aquarius on Friday, March 15 at around 5:42 pm. Venus and Saturn are already present here due to which there will be a conjunction of Mars, Venus and Saturn and Trigrahi Yoga will be formed due to which people will see major changes in their career, love life, weather, heal...