Rudraksh Science, elements present in it, rudraksh for different zodiac signs, importance of spells for activation. The favorite thing of lord shiva is rudraksh , the pleasing thing for lord shiva is rudraksh. It is not only used to worship god but it is also used to generate spiritual powers by scholars. Because of its miraculous power it is accepted by the people of whole world. There is a great demand of rudraksh of Nepal and Indonesia. Scientific Importance of Rudraksh Rudraksha is now a days is known by every one. It is used in jewellery making too. Rudraksha has both its spiritual as well as scientific importance. As per the mythology Rudraksha came into existence by the tears of Lord shiva. In now a days Rudraksha become the attraction of scientists. Research on Rudraksh is taking place in different countries of the world. Rudraksha is also known as Blue Marble and is available in india as well as in Nepal, Indonesia, Jakarta, Jawa etc.In Vanaspati shashtra this i...