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Showing posts with the label Spiritual healing


7 Chakra Healing Beej Mantra For Meditation

7 Chakra Healing Beej Mantra For Meditation, Chakra Meditation Mantra, Awakening of 7 Chakras, Purification of Chakras, Balancing of Chakras. 7 Chakra Healing Beej Mantra For Meditation: Chakra meditation is amazing and if this practice is done daily, then slowly we will see the awakening of dormant powers within us. By meditating on chakras, we will also be able to balance our inner energy. So let's sit on a mat and start this meditation. 7 Chakra Healing Beej Mantra For Meditation Watch Video For Meditation 7 Chakra Healing Beej Mantra For Meditation: First of all, focus on the "Root Chakra i.e. Muladhara Chakra" , it is related to the earth element and "Lam Beej Mantra(लं)" is used to awaken this chakra. So let's chant the "Lam Beej Mantra" first while meditating on Root chakra. Now focus on the "Sacral Chakra i.e. Swadhisthana Chakra" , it is related to the water element and "Vam Beej Mantra(वं)" is chanted to awake...

Benefits of Root chakra Activation Mooladhar Chakra Power

What happens when Mooladhar Chakra is awakened?, Process of activation, things to keep in for developing supernatural power. Benefits of Mooladhar Chakra Activation: Many questions arise in the minds of people who enter in the path of spiritual practices, what happens when Mooladhara Chakra is awakened?, in how many days Mooladhara Chakra is awakened? What is the beej mantra of this energy point, where is root Chakra, etc. So in this article we will know all this. Benefits of Mooladhar Chakra Activation Muladhar Chakra is also called root chakra. Whenever a seeker starts spiritual practice, first of all he has to awaken Muladhar Chakra because Bhagwati Kundalini Shakti resides here only. According to yoga texts, the karmas of previous births are accumulated in this chakra. When the seeker starts the meditation of this chakra, then mysterious experiences start happening. The veil of births starts to be removed. This is the mysterious place from where Shakti after waking up st...

Benefits of Sacral Chakra Activation Swadhisthan Chakra

Benefits of Sacral Chakra Activation, स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र के जागृत होने पर क्या फायदे होते हैं, spell to activate swadhisthan chakra. Benefits of Sacral Chakra Activation Swadhisthan Chakra: After Muladhara Chakra, the second power center in our body is Swadhishthan Chakra. In this article, we will know what are the benefits of awakening the swadhisthan chakra? , Where is Swadhishthana Chakra, what is the Beej mantra of Swadhishthana Chakra etc. Benefits of Sacral Chakra Activation Swadhisthan Chakra Swadhishthan Chakra is also called Sacral Chakra. Whenever a seeker starts spiritual practice, first of all he has to awaken Muladhar Chakra and then he has to move forward through Swadhishthana Chakra. With the awakening of the Swadhishthan Chakra, the clarity in the seeker increases regarding life and the development of the personality starts even faster. Swadhisthan chakra is related to water element.  Benefits of Sacral Chakra Activation Swadhisthan Chakra Happines...

What is a spiritual healing

What is a spiritual healing, benefit of spiritual healing, what is a spiritual healing technique?, Importance of Birth Chart Reading before Booking spiritual Healing. Explore the profound world of spiritual healing guide with benefits and advantages, revealing spiritual healing.  In a fast-paced world filled with stress and challenges, many seek solace and healing beyond conventional medicine. Spiritual healing is a fascinating and ancient practice that offers a holistic approach to well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the depths of spiritual healing, explaining its principles, techniques, and its potential benefits. Let's embark on a journey to discover the profound world of spiritual healing. What is a spiritual healing हिंदी में पढ़िए अध्यात्मिक उपचार क्या होता है ? What is Spiritual Healing? A holistic approach or treatment by experienced spiritual healer to restore balance among mind, body, and spirit is known as spiritual healing. It's not a ...

What is Shaktichalini Process how to do

what is Shakti Chalini Kriya, what are the benefits of Shakti Chalani process, how to do this Kriya, benefits of awakening Kundalini, in which diseases Ashwini Mudra is beneficial?. When we talk about awakening the dormant powers present inside the body, then the topic of Kundalini awakening will certainly arise because when kundlini shakti awakened, a person comes to know of his divinity, we get to know about a divine world within us. | According to Yoga scriptures, the superpower Kundalini is present in the Muladhar Chakra within every person, be it male, female or child, but this power remains in a dormant state, that is why we are not aware of the powers present within us. We purify the body through yoga activities, make the body strong so that we can awaken the Kundalini Shakti and also handle its power. Index : What are the things to be kept in mind before performing Shakti Chalana Kriya? What is Shaktichalani Mudra / Ashwini Mudra? What is the initial difficulty in Shakti Ch...