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Sun Transit in Pisces Sign Predictions

Sun Transit in Pisces March 2025,  Date and time of Sun transit, Predictions, what will be the impact on 12 zodiacs as per vedic astrology, सूर्य का गोचर मीन राशि में.  Sun Transit in Pisces March 2025 : Sun stays for 1 month in any zodiac sign and the transit of Sun is called Sankranti. On March 14, 2025,  at approx 06:32 PM the Sun will leave its enemy sign Aquarius and will enter in Pisces and will stay here for next 1 Month. As soon as the Sun changes its zodiac sign, there will be a conjunction of 4 planets in Pisces which are - Sun, Mercury, Venus and Rahu due to which we will see big changes in people's lives, markets, weather and politics. According to Vedic astrology, the Sun is related to the father, soul, name, fame, travel, work, etc. Therefore, with the transit of Sun in Pisces there will great changes in the lives of 12 zodiac signs people (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces). Meen sankranti i...

Sun Transit in Aquarius Prediction

When will Sun transit in Aquarius in 2025, what will be its effect on 12 zodiac signs, know the predictions,sun transit february 2025. Sun Transit in Aquarius: The Sun, the king of the Solar System, will enter Aquarius on 12 February, wednesday at approx 9:39 PM and will remain in this sign for the next 1 month. The planets Mercury and Saturn are already sitting here, due to which the Sun will have a conjunction with Mercury and Saturn. Therefore, big changes will be seen in the lives of the people and in the environment. Sun will remain in Aquarius till March 14, 2025 and then enter Pisces. In this article, we will know what will be the effect of transit of Sun in Aquarius on 12 zodiac signs. Sun Transit in Aquarius Prediction According to Vedic astrology, Sun is related to father, name- fame, respect, higher officials, will-power, travelling etc. The auspicious and powerful Sun present in the horoscope makes the person a king, that is, he creates a different identity in the area ...

Makar Sankranti Significance | What To Do For Success?

When is makar Sankranti in 2025,  Importance of Makar sankranti, What to do on makar sankranti, Prediction of sun transit in Capricorn on 12 zodiacs, How to get astrology power in makar sankranti. Totkays for makar sankranti. Makar sankranti is celebrated in a very huge way in the Great India. This is one of the great festival of India. People used to fly kites on this auspicious day. Whole the day, people enjoy with family members, friends, relatives in ground or roof with kites and eating Laddu or Til. But this is not only the importance there is a great astrological changes takes place on this day of makar sankranti.  When is makar Sankranti in 2025 This auspicious day is celebrated in different ways in different states of India like as in Tamil Nadu it is called as pongal festival, In Assam this auspicious event is celebrated as Bihu, In punjab and Haryana Lohri is celebrated on this day. हिंदी में पढ़िए  मकर संक्रांति का महत्त्व When Is Makar Sankranti in 202...

Sun transit in sagittarius predictions

When will sun transit in Sagittarius in 2024,  predictions of sun transit in sagittarius, influence on 12 zodiacs,  Vedic astrology predictions . In 2024, on 15th December at around 9:56 pm, the transit of the Sun will take place in Sagittarius. This is also the friendly sign of the Sun and the lord of Sagittarius is Jupiter. Therefore, this transit will bring very good changes in the lives of people of the 12 zodiac signs. With The Entry of Sun In Sagittarius, Malmaas will start. Sun transit in Sagittarius:  According to Vedic astrology, the planet Sun is related to higher officials, father, government job, travelling, name, fame, leadership ability etc. The auspicious position of the Sun in the birth chart helps in leading a successful life, while the inauspicious Sun compels the native to lead a dissatisfied life. Kharmas will also begin with the transit of the Sun in Sagittarius. Sun transit in sagittarius predictions In this article, we will see what change...

Sun In Scorpio predictions

When will the Sun enter Scorpio 2024, let us know the importance of Vrischik Sankranti, सूर्य के वृश्चिक राशि में गोचर का राशिफल, predictions of Sun transit in Scorpio as per vedic astrology. In the year 2024, on Saturday, 16th of November, at approx. 7:16 AM,  the Sun will leave its debilitated zodiac sign Libra and transit in its friendly zodiac sign Scorpio, due to which people of different zodiac signs will get different benefits. Mercury is already present here, due to which Budhaditya Yoga will also form in Scorpio. According to Vedic astrology, the Sun changes its zodiac sign 12 times in a year, the zodiac change of the Sun is called Sankranti. In this article, we will know what will be the effect on 12 zodiac signs when Sun enters Scorpio. According to Vedic astrology, the planet Sun is related to father, government job, travel, name, fame, leadership ability etc. The auspicious position of the Sun in the birth chart helps to lead a successful life, while the inauspici...

When will sun transit in Libra sign Tula sankranti

When is Tula sanktranti in 2024, when will the sun enter Libra, what will be the effect on 12 zodiac signs, what happens on tula sankranti, Is the Sun weak in Libra?, How long will sun stay in in the libra zodiac?. Sun transit in libra october 2024:  Sun changes the zodiac every month, whose effect is visible on the country and the world, as well as there are big changes in the lives of 12 zodiac signs. The planet Sun represents leadership ability, father, authority, travel, name, fame etc. In 2024, at around 7:27 AM on October 17, the Sun will move out of Virgo and transit into Libra, where Mercury is already present, due to which Budhaditya Yoga will be formed. We have to keep in mind that the Sun is debilitated in Libra. But it is not that only its harmful effects will be seen, some will benefit and the struggle will increase in the life of some. The entry of Sun into Libra is called Tula Sankranti. When will sun transit in Libra sign Tula sankranti हिन्दीमे पढ़िए  सूर्य...