Sun Transit in Pisces March 2025, Date and time of Sun transit, Predictions, what will be the impact on 12 zodiacs as per vedic astrology, सूर्य का गोचर मीन राशि में. Sun Transit in Pisces March 2025 : Sun stays for 1 month in any zodiac sign and the transit of Sun is called Sankranti. On March 14, 2025, at approx 06:32 PM the Sun will leave its enemy sign Aquarius and will enter in Pisces and will stay here for next 1 Month. As soon as the Sun changes its zodiac sign, there will be a conjunction of 4 planets in Pisces which are - Sun, Mercury, Venus and Rahu due to which we will see big changes in people's lives, markets, weather and politics. According to Vedic astrology, the Sun is related to the father, soul, name, fame, travel, work, etc. Therefore, with the transit of Sun in Pisces there will great changes in the lives of 12 zodiac signs people (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces). Meen sankranti i...