When will Venus transit in Pisces in 2025, what will be the effect on 12 zodiac signs when Venus enters Pisces?, predictions by astrologer(astroshree.in) Venus Transit 2025: Venus, the planet associated with love, romance, glamour, beauty, dazzle, will change zodiac sign on 28th of January Tuesday and will transit in its exalted sign Pisces. Its effect will be seen in everyone's life. Some people will get immense wealth, some will get happiness in their love life, some will get life partner of their choice, some will get immense success in their work. In this article of astroshree.in, we will know about the time of transit of Venus and its effect on 12 zodiac signs. Time of Venus Transit in Pisces: On 28th of January 2025 at approx 6:41 AM , Venus will enter its exalted sign Pisces and happiness will come in the lives of many people. Venus Transit In Pisces Sign Predictions 2023 Watch Video On YouTube Let's know the Predictions: Aries Horoscope Prediction...