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Impacts Of Shadashtak Yoga Between Sun and Mars

Impacts Of Shadashtak Yoga Between Sun and Mars, Shadashtak Yog is formed between Sun And Mars, what is Shadashtak Yog, which zodiac signs need to be especially cautious due to Shadashtak Yog?. Impacts Of Shadashtak Yoga Between Sun and Mars:  Mars has changed its zodiac sign on 21st January, due to which a dangerous Yog is formed in the transit horoscope at this time, which is known as "Shadashtak Yog" . This Yog is very dangerous and is responsible for many harmful changes in people's life, environment. Impacts Of Shadashtak Yoga Between Sun and Mars What is Shadashtak Yog? Whenever 2 planets sit in the sixth and eighth house from each other in the horoscope, then Shadashtak Yog is formed. According to Vedic astrology, the sixth house of the horoscope is related to disease, enemy, sorrow, debt, worry etc. and the eighth house of the horoscope is related to health, age, misfortune, suffering, crisis, sudden event etc. Therefore, when two planets form Shadashtak Yog...

Venus and Moon Conjunction in Horoscope Effects

What happens if there is a conjunction of Venus and Moon? What will happen if there is Venus with Moon in horoscope? Result of conjunction of Venus and Moon. Venus and Moon Conjunction in Horoscope Effects: Venus and Moon both are very special planets, Moon is the planet of mind, is connected with sensitivity, emotions, tenderness whereas Venus is connected with luxury, art world, love, dazzle. Both planets are connected with tenderness and grace. So when Moon and Venus are combined, it opens new paths of success for the native, it creates creativity in the native, Generates ideas to make life wonderful. Venus and Moon Conjunction in Horoscope Effects हिंदी में पढ़िए शुक्र और चंद्रमा की युति का प्रभाव   Which Yog is formed by the conjunction of Venus and Moon? " Kalatmak Yoga " form due to conjunction of Venus and moon in Horoscope. Due to this Yog, the native gets a different identity in his field of work. With the conjunction of Venus and Moon, the native will have a s...

Sun And Mars Conjunction Predictions in astrology

What happens if Sun and Mars sit together in the horoscope, the effect of the conjunction of Sun and Mars on the life of the person, predictions. According to astrology, the influence of 9 planets remains on everyone from birth till death. As per the position of planets in different houses it affects life.  In the birth chart, planets sometimes sit alone or with someone. In today's article we will learn in detail about the conjunction of Sun and Mars. According to Vedic astrology, while Mars is the planet responsible for courage, bravery and power, the Sun is the symbol of father, respect, fame, strength, pride and authority. Both these planets are related with fire element. When Sun and Mars sit together in any house of the horoscope, it is called Surya-Mangal conjunction and due to this some people become violent and angry and some are very successful. This combination can have both auspicious and inauspicious results. The result depends on the position  and state of t...

What is Vidhvansak Yoga In Horoscope

What is Vidvansak yog in astrology, how destructive yoga is formed, what measures can be taken to avoid troubles, how long will Vidvansak yog remain in the transit horoscope. Vidhvansaka Yoga is an astrological yoga which is considered very inauspicious. It is formed when Mars and Saturn come together in a house or form Samsaptak yoga i.e. they are in the seventh house from each other. The planet Mars is associated with aggression and violence and in Vedic astrology Mars has the title of commander while Shani Dev is associated with justice and is the provider of the fruits of  DEEDS, Shani is also known as cruel planet. When these two planets make any kind of relation with each other, then there are very disastrous results. What is Vidhvansak Yoga In Horoscope हिदी में पढ़िए विधवंसकयोग क्या होता है ? What is the result of Vidhvansak Yog? Where ever this yoga form i.e. in transit horoscope or in personal Birth chart cause destruction and so is very dangerous.  This Yoga ...

Moon and Mars Conjunction in Horoscope Predictions

What are the benefits of Moon and Marsl conjunction in the birth chart, how Lakshmi Yoga is formed in the horoscope, what is the effect of Moon and Mangal conjunction in different houses. In Horoscope, just as different planets change life by sitting in different houses, similarly the conjunctions of some planets are also capable of changing life tremendously. Some of these planetary conjunctions are very beneficial and some are harmful. In today's astrological article, we will learn about the combination of beneficial planets, due to which the person gets wealth, happiness, prosperity, wishes are fulfilled. We will know about Moon-Mars conjunction: If Moon and Mars sit together in any house of the horoscope, then a special type of DHAN YOGA/Wealth Yoga is formed, which is also known as LAXMI YOGA. Due to its effect, the person is greatly benefited. Native gets all kinds of happiness, wealth, prosperity, respect and prestige. In Vedic astrology, Moon is the symbol of fluidity, ...

Atmkarak Planet and Karkansh Horoscope Details

What is Atmakaraka planet, how to find out in the horoscope which planet is Atmakaraka, what is the effect of atmkaraka planet on our life?. Our present birth is affected by the deeds of our previous birth. Every person is born with a bundle of his unfulfilled desires and his actions start happening accordingly. Till the time we do not get the knowledge of the truth by the grace of any spiritual master, we keep taking birth again and again with the bundle of our unfulfilled desires. To get out of this cycle is called salvation. The study of Atmakaraka planet also gives us a lot of information about our past life and present life.  Atmkarak Planet and Karkansh Horoscope Details To know this, we have to look at the degree of planets in our birth chart. The planet which has the highest degree is called a ATMKARAK PLANET, For Example if the degree of Moon is 29 and all others are below it, then Moon will be a atmkarak planet. हिंदी में पढ़िए आत्मकारक ग्रह और कारकांश कुंडली का महत्त्व ...

What is Kendradhipati Dosha In Astrology

What is kendradhipati dosha, How does kendradhipati dosh form, How does Kendradhipati dosha get Cancelled?, Remedies  According to Vedic astrology, there are 12 houses in a person's horoscope, in which the first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses are called center houses. When we want to talk about Kendradhipati Dosh, then we have to study these 4 houses minutely. Kendradhipati Dosh: Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon are natural auspicious planets and when they are related to Center Houses in birth chart in a specific state, then Kendradhipati Dosh is formed. What is Kendradhipati Dosha In Astrology हिंदी में पढ़िए केन्द्रधिपति दोष क्या होता है ? Let us know in detail about this topic, how and when it affects our lives? Kendradhipati Dosh is formed in the horoscope when Jupiter, Venus, Mercury or Moon sits in the first, fourth, seventh or tenth house. Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu have no relation with this Yoga. Read about  What is Mahabhagya Yoga? Important ...

What is Mahabhagya Yoga In Astrology

What is Mahabhagya yoga in astrology, when is Mahabhagya yoga formed in the horoscope, what are the benefits of Mahabhagya yoga?, example horoscope of महाभाग्य योग. Mahabhagya Yoga In Astrology: In astrology, there is a description of such a yoga, if it is formed in the horoscope, then what the person cannot get in life. Nothing remains impossible for him. The name of this yoga is MAHABHAGYA YOGA, with its effect the person gets wealth, respect, position, prestige and all the comforts in this world. This yoga makes the person rich of extraordinary talent. According to Vedic astrology, Mahabhagya Yoga is considered to be the most fortunate and auspicious yoga. Some people whose fortune is stronger than average, struggle less or not at all for the things they want than others. This may be due to Mahabhagya Yoga. What is Mahabhagya Yoga In Astrology हिंदी में पढ़िए महाभाय्ग योग क्या होता है ? The rules of mahabhagya yoga are different for men and women, which we will know in detail in ...