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Showing posts with the label career astrology astrologer


Career as per Planetary combination in the 10th house of Horoscope or Kundli

Career as per Planetary combination in the 10th house of Horoscope or Kundli. Again a very important thing to know while finalizing the career and i.e. the combination of planets in the 10th house. So this is not easy to decide about the career. Don't take decision in hurry about the career. It is good to analyze the kundli or horoscope very peacefully and check out every aspects deeply and then take decision which career is best. Here i am going to provide some important combinations and there result while deciding the career. career as per horoscope Career as per Planetary combination in the 10th house of Horoscope or Kundli: Jupiter(Guru) + Sun(Surya) In 10th House- This combination in horoscope puts a person at the top position in his field, He or she may become a prophet, seer, spiritual healer, preceptor, orator etc.  Jupiter(Guru) + Saturn(Shani) In 10th House- This makes a person Hypnotist, parascience researcher, contractor. Person may do work re...

Career As Per Planet In Horoscope or Kundli

Career As Per Planet In Horoscope or Kundli, Impact of Planetary combination on earning sources in astrology, Career as per nakshatra or birth star,  27 Nakshatra and related career. Career As Per Planet In Horoscope or Kundli Many Times questions related to career is asked like- What will be the best career as per the astrology? In which field i should go for monetary purpose? Is is good for me to choose that business or job as a career? etc. Not only youth but elders are also curious to know the right direction to get the successful career and this is not wrong. Until a person choose right platform or right career he or she will not attain the real success as per astrology. This is not a blank words but is proved. Astrology is a science and it shows the right things. Astrology work as a magical mirror which shows the future of a person. Here i am going to clear that how we can find the right career. Although it is best to consult an experienced astrologer wh...

Tips To Get Highest Positions As Per Astrology

Planets responsible for high positions in job, Best astrology tips to get promotion in career, solve  official problems through astrology. Tips To Get Highest Positions As Per Astrology So you are interested in getting high position in job and society. It is very good because this shows your ambitiousness, this shows your desire to get success in this life and where there is a will there is a way. So i am confident that you will definitely get the desired success in your life.Read about  How To Increase Confidence Through Astrology? . Here in this article i am going to reveal the astrology ways and the ways of occult science which will definitely help you to get the highest positions in your desired area. If you have the capabilities and you are not getting the deserve positions then this article is for you. If you have the calibre and you are struggling for the highest positions then this article is for you. If you want to develop the qualities to get the hig...

Career as per Nakshatra or Birth Star

Career as per Nakshatra or Birth Star,  Career consultancy service, 27 Nakshatra and related career, Career as per Nakshatra or Birth Star, Career as per the lord of 10th house or dashmesh,, Online consultancy for carrier, best astrologer for carrier consultancy, star astrology for carrier, Carrier house in astrology Birth Star has very effect on the human life. Birth star is called the nakshatra in Vedic astrology and in career decision, impact of nakshatra is also checked. Here i am going to provide the detail of effects of nakshatra on career. Every Nakshatra has seperate deity which is also given below. Career as per Nakshatra or Birth Star Career as per Nakshatra or Birth Star and it's correspondent Lord: 1) Nakshatra/ Birth Star:Ashwini Related Deity:Ashwini Kumars Related Careers:Physician, Healer and vehicle players.  2) Nakshatra/ Birth Star:Bharani Related Deity:Kal Related Careers:Contemplater, philosopher, land lords, phila...

Service Or Business As Per Horoscope

Choose Your Career As per Astrology horoscope, Service or business as per as per horoscope. Are you finding difficult to decide whether business or job to do then astrologer can help you. Astrology can help you to select right career as per planetary impacts on your life. Know about Astrological Combinations in horoscope for job and business in this article by astrologer. Service Or Business As Per Horoscope In many times we confused regarding choosing job or business like as when someone faces problem in job then start thinking about choosing new earning source and at that time question arise whether to do any business or to find new job. Freshers also confused regarding whether to enter in business or to do job of any kind.  Many ones want to do both job and business part time.  Through astrology we can know about which is better job or business. Watch video here: Want to do Business by Leaving Job: This is quiet a difficult decision because...

Career as per the lord of 10th house or Dashmesh

Career as per the lord of 10th house or dashmesh, Online consultancy for carrier. Career is very important and the decision of career is not as easy as it seems. An experienced astrologer analysed every aspect of kundli and then suggest best career option for the person. 10 house is very important and in my previous article i have already cleared the effects of planets in Career. Now here in this article i am going to clear that how career is affected when the lord of 10th place present in different place of kundli or horoscope.  Career As Per  Lord of Carrier House Let's see career as per the 10th house in Horoscope: When lord of 10th House reside in 1st House then-  Person become hard worker and get success in life by his own efforts. He or she may start business and become financially independent.   When lord of 10th House reside in 2nd House then-  The person become lucky and get success in every profession which he choose. Person may in...

Astrology For Successful Makeup Artist

Astrology For Successful Makeup Artist If you want to be one of the best make up artist then this article will help you a lot to understand the astrology  to rock in field of make-up. There is cut-throat competition in makeup industry and this is very important for people who are in glamorous industry.   Some questions arise in mind of some makeup over artists like as โ€“ Why I am not getting clients inspite of having same knowledge like others? Why I am not famous in makeup industry? Why my clients are not satisfied by my makeup? How to know which planets are supportive in my kundli to become successful make up artist? What to do to become best make up artist? Astrology For Makeover Artist: As we know that stars regularly affect our life right from birth and so if any one is not getting success in profession then it is good to consult astrologer to know the impacts of planets in life. A best make up artist need some special qualities like as โ€“ Unde...

How To Be a Successful Manager? Astrology Tips

How To be a successful manager, astrology tips to enhance management qualities. So You want to be a successful manager, you are interested in administration, you want to manage any firm, factory, industry, office, staff etc. No doubt that if you want to be a manager you will be but here in this article i will tell you that how our horoscope shows that a person will become a successful manager and how we can use the astrology ways to increase our managing power. Astrology Tips to become successful manager First of all lets see what are the responsibilities of a manager- A manager has to coordinate with all the senior staffs. A manager has to plan to get the work done in proper time. A manager has to report to their higher authorities for the happenings. A manager has to handle different minded workers at the same time. It is the duty of manager to maintain a harmonious atmosphere in the office.  The above are some of the common responsibilities of a manager but...

Astrology Tips For Bloggers

Astrology For Bloggers, How to get success in blogging industry?, What Gems stone will help to make mind creative for developing websites. Blogging is becoming an industry these days. It has become a new source of income for the writers. Big celebrities, industries, companies keeps bloggers to make their online reputation and they pay a good remuneration to bloggers. Blogging is the only means to make reputation in web world. Through this you are able to get in touch with the world. Astrology Tips For Bloggers If any one wants to make career in blogging and not get the right opportunity then astrology can help him or her easily. Through astrology it is possible to find out what are the factors which are creating hurdles in making career in blogging industry. Read about  Astrology For Online Entrepreneur  Lets understand the planetary powers needed to get success in blogging: If a person has good power of mercury and if it is the master of lagna or earn...

Career Counselling Through Astrology On Line

Career counselling through astrology on line, guidance by astrologer to choose career, horoscope reading for livelihood. A very important part of life is to choose the best subject and to enter in appropriate field to make best career, While a child pass out high school then the very first question which arise in mind is which subject to choose next Science, Maths or commerce or biology or arts.  Online career counselling One right decision can make life but here if a decision gets wrong then the child suffers whole the life. The general rule to choose subject is those who want to become a doctor choose BIOLOGY, those who want to become engineer choose MATHS, those who want to become politicians or social worker etc choose ARTS and those who want to enter in business choose commerce.  Besides above there are many other subjects also for girls and boys like home science, maths with computer science etc. So many subjects are available, many fields are available, de...

Online Career and Astrology

On line career and astrology, 9 Qualities needed in on-line entrepreneur. If you want to be a on-line entrepreneur, if you want to make on-line image, if you want to work on line successfully then this is the article for you. See here how astrology will help you to over come from obstacles which a person faces while working on-line. Online Career and Astrology Change is the law of nature and With the change of time every thing changes. Earlier people want to be an clerk, engineer, doctor, etc but now because of technology students are  also start thinking towards on line career. In-fact on line career has become the rapidly growing industry in now a days. Many new branches of earning has been generated with the web world. Let's see some digital field where there is a great scope of making career: Career in Digital Marketing Career in Email Marketing Career in Keyword Advertising Career in On-line Research Career in Web Analysis Career in CSS Making Google Adve...

Astrology for Self Employed Persons

Astrology for self employed persons, what to do as per astrology to get good return on investment. Self employed persons are very great because they have trust on their qualities, they are committed to use their full time to en-cash their knowledge. To be a self employed is not as easy as it seems because in today's time competition is too much so a self employed has to work much to prove the quality. Astrology for Self Employed Persons This article i am writing for the lions who want to prove their qualities in this world. If you have some qualities and want to establish your own firm then this article is for you,If you are an entrepreneur then this article is for you, if you are already self employed then this article is for you. If you are not getting success in your field then this article will clear you the ways to over come from the problems. read about  Career as per 10th House lord or Dushmesh . Self employed persons have a opportunity to get the n...

How To Be A Successful Teacher?

How to be a successful teacher?, how planets affects a teaching profession, lucky gems stone. A teacher is a person who is a creator. A teacher is a king maker, a teacher is a politician maker, a teacher is a society maker, a teacher is a public maker, a teacher is a maker of nation. This is the importance of a teacher. As a child learn many things from the teachers so teachers has the power to make the best professionals, social workers, politicians, soldiers, kings etc. How To Be A Successful Teacher? So it is the duty of persons who are in teaching field that they must give their best to be a good teacher. But it is not very easy. Because a teacher has to deal with different minded students. Many times we have seen that- Some teachers are very famous and are dear of students while others are not as dear in-spite of having good knowledge and degree. In some teachers' class students learn every thing easily but not with others. Some teachers are able to control stu...

How To Be A Successful Sales Person?

How to be a successful sales person, how to increase persuasive power as per astrology to increase sales, planets responsible to increase salesmanship, lucky gems stones. Selling is an art. Only having a proper knowledge of a product is not sufficient but a persuasive power to convince the visitor that the product is worthy for him or her is the main power of a sales person. This is not an easy task because it is the game of dealing with the person mind, his need, his choice, his or her psychology. A great smart handling is needed in dealing with customers. A great smart words are necessary to deal with the customers. How To Be A Successful Sales Person? Only a versatile person is able to be a successful sales person. In this article i am going to reveal that how planets make a person powerful sales person, what are the qualities of a good sales person, how to develop the qualities of a sales person. Did you ever notice that - One person is able to fulfil his target...

Planetary Powers To Be A Builder

Planetary powers to be a builder, astrology to get success in real estate world, tips to become a successful colonizer, How to get profit from property business? If you are interested in property, if you are interested to become a successful builder, if you are interested in becoming a successful colonizer, if you want to earn a huge profit from property business then this article is for you. Here you will find the factors affecting the property business the way to overcome from hurdles, the way to empower your personality to get success in building sector. Planetary Powers To Be A Builder Do you know that Mars and Saturn are very close to property or land. Therefore if any one has the power of one of these planet then there is a very chance to get success in property sector or building sector. In case if these 2 planets are malefic and person is in the field then definitely in long run he will get a loss from this sector. Lets's see some position of Mars and Saturn i...