How Navamsa Kundli changes life, know why Navamsa Kundli is important in astrology prediction, Real case study, know how planets of 9 D chart ruin life. Today we will analyze a horoscope whose family life got ruined due to malefic planets in Navamsa Kundli. We will look deeply at both Lagna chart and Navamsa horoscope and know the importance of 9 D chart in astrology. Native's date of birth is 2 october 1984 Birth Time : 8:30 PM Birth place is Indore How 9 D chart Transform Life Case Study If we look at Ascendant chart, We can know that: lagn chart Gajakesari Raja Yoga is formed in the Destiny House. Venus is auspicious in the place of marriage. Saturn is exalted in the seventh house. Raj Yoga named Budhaditya is also formed in the horoscope. Apart from this, Rahu and Ketu are exalted. Mahalakshmi Yoga is also formed in the horoscope. If seen, there are 3 Raj Yogas in the horoscope and most of the planets are auspicious. But would like to tell that this horoscope is of a wom...