What is depression, how a person enter in depression, impacts in life, horoscope reading for depression, remedies in astrology. Depression is a state of mind in which a person feels totally negative about own self. It is in fact the culmination of inferiority complex. It is the feeling which comes due to continuous failure in different segment of life or in a particular subject which is very important for the person. In the state of depression person become fatal for own self. So it is very necessary to save our self and our acquainted from this deadly feeling. How To Treat Depression Through Astrology And Occult Sciences? How Depression comes? A person enter in depression zone due to many reasons like as due to fear of something like as fear of loosing something, fear of loosing some one special in life, fear of loosing status, monetary power, social power etc. Another reason is regular failure in life. Some also enter in depression due to not getting the ...