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Showing posts with the label depression and astrology


How To Treat Depression Through Astrology And Occult Sciences?

What is depression, how a person enter in depression, impacts in life, horoscope reading for depression, remedies in astrology. Depression is a state of mind in which a person feels totally negative about own self. It is in fact the culmination of inferiority complex. It is the feeling which comes due to continuous failure in different segment of life or in a particular subject which is very important for the person. In the state of depression person become fatal for own self. So it is very necessary to save our self and our acquainted from this deadly feeling.  How To Treat Depression Through Astrology And Occult Sciences? How Depression comes? A person enter in depression zone due to many reasons like as due to fear of something like as fear of loosing something, fear of loosing some one special in life, fear of loosing status, monetary power, social power etc.  Another reason is regular failure in life.  Some also enter in depression due to not getting the ...

Symptoms Of Depression

Symptoms of depression, Reasons of decay, Why faintness without any reason?, Bipolar disorder,  How to over come from depression, astrology tips. As per survey it is found that 36% people In India falls in life due to great depression. It is also found that emotional people easily gets in depression. Expectations in life also creates depression. Depression is a very dangerous type of disease which generally put impacts in every part of body. Due to this person(male, female, child) enter in negative thinking zone. It also causes many different types of other diseases and problems in life. Symptoms Of Depression Let's see some important symptoms of DEPRESSION: If a person is living in sad environment then it may be due to depression. Detachment from the daily routine life and daily normal activities. Irritability in nature, short tempered also happen in depression. Feeling of guilt reside in mind during depression. Disappointment also harass a person. Either ...

9 Habits which Creates Depression

9 Habits which creates depression, Habits which creates problems in life, Habits which creates health problems, Habits which makes us weak and energy-less, Astrologer. habits responsible for depression In this fast life we are running in fulling our some needs related t money, luxuries, food, etc. And in this state of mind we  generally forget our own self. What i have found that there are some habits which we generally adopt in ignorance and in long  run these habits creates depression and other health problems. So here i am writing this article to make people aware about  own self and keep themselves up to date if want to enjoy life. Read about  symptoms of depression . जानिए हिंदी में 9 आदते जो ला सकती है डिप्रेशन Now Let's Focus On Some Habits Which Are Problematic For Own Self: Not Sleeping In Time Generally in these days people engage in enjoying the night in clubs and playing some internal games or gossiping which i am not saying is bad but it i...

Depression Reasons and Remedies Through Self-Hypnosis and Astrology

What is depression?, Reasons and treating depression through self-hypnosis, how to over come from depression?, Best remedies of depression through self-hypnosis,  Astrologer for Depression problems solutions . Depression is a very special negative state of mind in which a person think negative for himself. In this the person is surrounded by the feelings of despair, frustration, hopelessness, discouragement, despondency, sadness, desolation, disappointment. depression removal ways It's a very dangerous stage of a mind when a person can harm him self. Many times it causes death. So it is very important to treat the depression at very early stage. Reasons of Depression: There are many reasons of depressions for examples- Due to regular failure in any field person gets depressed. Due to not getting good marks in exam student gets depressed. Even sportsmen also fall in depression when not winning the game after many efforts. In unemployed time also not only youth bu...