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Showing posts with the label divine mantras


Shri Dashamahavidya Stotram Lyrics With Meaning

Dasha Mahavidya Stotram, Shri Dashamahavidya Stotram with lyrics and meaning, Benefits of Reciting dusmahavidya strotram. Shri Dash Mahavidya Stotram is especially beneficial for those who want to worship different forms of Goddess together. Shri Dashamahavidya Stotram is a boon for the devotees of the Goddess. The 10 Mahavidyas usually include Kali, Tara, Tripura Sundari, Bhairavi, Bhuvaneshwari, Chhinnamasta, Baglamukhi, Dhumavati, Matangi and Kamala. Shri Dashamahavidya Stotram Lyrics With Meaning Each form of the Goddess has its own specialty and devotees worship the Goddess in different ways according to their needs. Goddess Kali is known for destroying enemies and vices, Maa Tara is the goddess of beauty and prosperity along with destroying enemies, Goddes Tripur Sundari is known for her beauty and bliss, Maa Bhuvaneshwari is known for the creative power of Lord Shiva, Maa Bhairavi is the destroyer of ego, Maa Chhinnamasta is known for her oppressive power, Maa Dhumavati i...

Shri Neelkanth Strotram Benefits and Lyrics

Shri Neelkanth Strotram Benefits and Lyrics, Neelkanth Aghor Mantra Stotra, Special mantra for Shiv pooja, Remedies of all problems. "Neelkanth Stotra" is a boon for Shiva devotees because by using this secret and very powerful stotra, there is no problem in this universe that cannot be solved, there is no disease that cannot be cured, there is no wish that cannot be fulfilled, wherever it is recited, evil forces go away from that place. Whatever wish is kept in mind while reciting this, that wish is fulfilled by the grace of Lord Shiva. Shri Neelkanth Strotram Benefits and Lyrics Benefits of Recitating Shree Neelkanth Strotram: If someone is troubled by negative energy, then he can be saved by using this stotra. If someone is troubled due to the wrath of planets, then he can use it. If the disease is not leaving him, then he can use Neelkanth Stotra. Recitation of Neelkanth Stotra easily protects from invisible obstacles, premature death, fear etc.  We can protect ours...

Benefits of Nakshatra Shanti Mantras

Benefits of Nakshatra Shanti Mantras, Lyrics of Nakshatra Shanti Mantras, why to recite nakshatra shanti strotram?. Benefits of Nakshatra Shanti Mantras: Every person is born in a particular constellation whose effect is seen in their life. There are a total of 27 constellations, some of which give auspicious results and some inauspicious. So, if we recite "Nakshatra Shanti Stotram", we will get a lot of benefits in life. Benefits of Nakshatra Shanti Mantras What are constellations? The moon completes its revolution around the earth in 27.3 days and during this revolution of 360 degrees, it passes through 27 groups of stars. Groups of stars are called constellations. Let us know  which are the 27 constellations?: Ashwin constellation, Bharani constellation, Krittika constellation, Rohini constellation, Mrigasira constellation, Ardra constellation, Punarvasu constellation, Pushya constellation, Ashlesha constellation, Magha constellation, Poorvaphalguni constellation, U...

Powerful Hanuman Meditation Mantra

Which mantra should be chanted to please Hanuman ji?, powerful hanuman meditation mantra, hanuman mantra lyrics. Hanumanji's name comes at the top when we talk about devotion, we are all familiar with his immense love and devotion towards Shri Ram. ॐ हं हनुमते नमः If there is any kind of hindrance, if there is any kind of problem, If there is a problem of ghosts, phantoms etc., then worshiping Hanumanji gives benefits.  Powerful Hanuman Meditation Mantra Table of Content: Power of hanumanji 7 Popular names of bajrangbali Meditation mantra of hanumanji Benefits of chanting and listening Hanuman-mantra How to worship? Points to keep in mind while doing hanuman-puja There are many divine powers who have the boon to present physically in this universe and Hanuman ji is one of them, that is why worshiping Hanuman ji in Kaliyuga give relief from troubles very quickly, but special care has to be taken  while doing worship of lord bajrangbali i.e...

Morning Mantra in Hinduism

Morning mantra in hinduism, Which mantra is good to recite just after waking up?, Powerful Lakshmi Mantra For Money, Protection and Happiness, karagre vasate laxmi lyrics. If anyone is suffering from bad luck for long time and nothing is working then start from the morning. Do recite the Karagre vasti laxmi Mantra with full of positivity and within some days, you will find changes in your life. Morning Mantra in Hinduism Meaning of this morning mantra: As per our epics, goddess of money and prosperity i.e. laxmiji resides on the tips of our fingers and so do see her whenever you getup. Goddess of knowledge i.e. saraswati resides in the middle of our hand so do see her And lord govinda resides  in the root of hand and so it is good to see our hand just after waking up in the morning. Listen This Mantra in  YOUTUBE : How to chant this morning mantra for health, wealth and prosperity? Whenever you wake up, do open your palms and start looking at by reciting this verse(श्ल...

Hauman Bahuk with Lyrics

Hauman Bahuk with Lyrics, हनुमान बाहुक ,  Benefits of reading Shri Hanuman Bahuk. Lord Hanumanji is considered to be the 11th Rudra incarnation of Lord Shiva. Hanuman ji is known by many names like Pawan Putra, Anjani Putra, Bajrangbali, Sankat Mochan etc. Evil forces run away just by taking his name. If pain is not ending in life, diseases are not ending, then reciting Hanuman Bahuk daily is very beneficial. Hauman Bahuk with Lyrics Hanuman Bahuk is composed by Goswami Tulsidas ji. In this, Tulsidas ji has praised the works of Hanuman ji, praised his power and prayed to him that he is able to save devotees. Let us know what are the benefits of reading hanuman bahuk? Worship of Hanumanji and recitation of Bahuk gives relief from serious health problems. If there is an obstacle in every work, then it goes away from its lesson. According to belief, recitation of Hanuman Bahuk gives relief from all kinds of physical sufferings like arthritis, gout, headache, sore t...

Benefits of Hanuman Homam

What are the benefits of Hanuman homam, best days to perform hanuman pooja, ways to invoke and please lord bajrangbali. Benefits of Hanuman Homam: Lord hanumanji immortal and so is one of the powerful god who is able to fulfill wishes of devotees. He is a great devotee of lord shree ram and is Omni powerful, Omniscient and Omnipresent. The worship of lord hanumanji not only give power but also save from negative energies like demon, ghosts, evil eye effects etc. Benefits of Hanuman Homam The homam of lord hanuman invoke the powerful god and open the way to success. हिंदी में पढ़िए हनुमानजी की पूजा और हवन से क्या फायदा होता है ? Let’s see what are the benefits of Hanumanji Homam in detail: If anyone is passing through shani sade sati or shani dhaiya then the worship of lord bajrangbali is very good and save the person from harmful impacts of malefic Saturn. If anyone is facing problems in life due to fear, lack of confidence, weak mind then the worship of hanumanji i...

Benefits of Shri Ram Mantra

Benefits of Shri Ram Mantra, ॐ रां रामाय नमः मन्त्र के फायदे, why to chant ram mantra.  ॐ रां रामाय नमः एक अत्यंत ही सरल और सर्वसुलभ मंत्र है राम  भक्तो के लिए | जो भी श्री राम के भक्त हैं वे इस दिव्य मन्त्र का जप करके अपनी समस्याओं से मुक्ति पा सकते हैं | श्री राम हिन्दू देवता है और अपनी मर्यादा के लिए जाने जाते हैं | इनके परम भक्त श्री हनुमानजी हैं | Benefits of Shri Ram Mantra ॐ रां रामाय नमः एक अद्भुत मंत्र है जो की जपकर्ता के ईच्छा अनुसार फल प्रदान करता है | जो लोग सांसारिक सुख चाहते हैं उन्हें सफलता मिलती है | जो लोग रोग से परेशां हैं उन्हें रोग से मुक्ति मिलती है | जो लोग अध्यात्म पथ पर आगे बढ़ना चाहते हैं उनके रास्ते खुलते हैं | श्री राम विष्णु जी के सबसे सौम्य और प्रसिद्ध अवतार है | श्री राम को हिंदू धर्म के प्रतीक के रूप में भी देखा जाता है। श्री राम ने रावण का वध किया था | श्री राम को मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम भी माना जाता है, जिसका अर्थ है पुरुषों में उत्तम | राम भक्तो के लिए उनका जीवन आदर्श जीवन हैं | उन्होंने अपने पिता के वचन के लिए वनवास काटा और सादा सच्चा जीवन ज...

Shree Hari Strotram Lyrics and benefits

Vishnu Strotram with Lyrics, Meaning of Vishnu Stotram in english, Shree Hari Strotram, Vishnu Ashtakam . The recitation of Shri Hari Strotram should be done daily but those who cannot do it daily, they should definitely do it on Thursday. Apart from this, Gyaras / Ekadashi and Purnima are also good day to recite the Vishnu Ashtkam or strotram. Shree Hari Strotram Lyrics and benefits By reciting this Ashtaka with full devotion and faith, the devotee gets the blessings of Lord Vishnu and attains Vaikuntha. A person's misfortune goes away and success comes in life. Holy basil/Tulsi, yellow colored sweets, yellow fruits should be offered to Vishnu ji. हिन्दी मे पढ़िए विष्णु अष्टकम के फायदों और अर्थ के बारे में  Lyrics of Vishnu Stroram In Enlgish: Jagajjalapalam kachat kanthamalam Saratchandrabhalam mahadaithya kalam | Nabho neelakayam duravaramayam,Supadmasahayam Bhajeham Bhajeham ||1|| Sadambhodhivasam galathpushpahasam Jagatsannivasam sathadithyabhasam| Gadhachakrashastram l...