Mokshda ekadashi importance as per astrology, what are the benefits of prayers on this auspicious day of mokshda ekadashi, why to do fast, know the easy pooja vidhi. In the year 2024 MOKSHADA EKADASHI is on 11th of December 2024 wednesday. Gyaras will start at 3:44 AM on 11th and will remain till 1:10 AM of 12th of december. If there is pitru dosha in kundli or if anyone is getting dreams of ancestors or if anyone is facing troubles in life due to ancestors or evil eye effects then it is good to perform fast and prayers on the auspicious day of mokshda ekadashi. This is a belief that by the virtue of this fast and puja, ancestors get peace and salvation and person can live a successful life by the blessings of pitru/ancestors. mokshda ekadshi significance If anyone perform vishnu puja on this day then it is possible to get-rid of sins. This is also a belief that on this day shrimad bhagwad geeta came out from the mouth of shree krishna and so this day is al...