Horoscope Janam Kundli Service, astrologer for reading, get predictions based on vedic astrology. If you are interested to take astrology services then kundli is the basis of predictions about career, finance, love life, health, job etc. In vedic astrology kundli is prepared by astrologer by taking the date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. Here in ‘www.astroshree.in’, you will get 100% vedic reading of horoscope from astrologer(Dr.Om Prakash Bahatnagar). Horoscope Janam Kundli Service You can get the birth chart report which will have accurate predictions related to malefic and positive planets in horoscope/birth chart/kundli. You will also get remedies of your problems. Astrologer also considers gochar movements of planets for most accurate predictions. Predictions are sent in hindi and English as per the demand of client and easy language is used so that everyone can understand it and also one can clear doubts via phone. Our kundli/birthchart/horos...