When will Jupiter DIRECT Effects On 12 Zodiacs, When will Jupiter become direct in 2025, which zodiac signs will get good news, how to strengthen Jupiter?. Jupiter Direct 2025: When a very powerful planet changes its position in transit, its effects are easily seen everywhere. According to astrology, Jupiter will become DIRECT in Taurus on 4 February at around 1:46 pm. This will be very beneficial and we will get to see its auspicious results in people's lives. According to astrology, Jupiter is related to wealth, land, grandeur, prosperity, knowledge, ego, happiness, wealth etc., that is why its position in transit is very important. When will Jupiter DIRECT Effects On 12 Zodiacs People who were facing problems due to retrograde Jupiter will get relief, unemployed will get jobs, pending works will be completed, there will be chances of money gain and land gain. Watch Video Here Let us know what will be the effect of Jupiter becoming direct on the 12 zodiac signs: Aries Horo...