How To Worship Shivling As per Zodiac, Lucky direction according to zodiac for worship, what to offer on Shivling according to zodiac sign. Everyone can worship Lord Shiva according to their own wish, but in this article we will know how we can worship lord shiva as per zodiac to attract success in life. Some people worship Shiva every day, some people do it on Mondays, some people worship Lord Shiva every day in the month of Sawan. Many things are used in the worship of Lord Shiva, but if people of every zodiac use special material then they can get more benefits, can brighten their luck, can bring good fortune, can attract happiness and prosperity. Read about how to worship shivling to fulfill wishes? How To Worship Shivling As per Zodiac Let us know how to worship Shivling according to zodiac sign: How can people of Aries zodiac do Shiva Puja: If your zodiac sign is Aries then you should apply red sandalwood paste on Shivling, offer lentils, do Abhishek with honey, you can...