Seeking Forgiveness : Shiva Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram, meaning of lyrics in english, Shiv Pooja Mantra. Shiv Apradh Kshamapan Stotra was composed by Adi Shankaracharya. This composition is a proof of his unwavering devotion towards Lord Shiva. In this composition, he has asked forgiveness from the Lord for all those things due to which he was not able to meditate on Shiva. If we recite this after understanding its meaning, then we can definitely receive Shiva's blessings. The journey from being a creature to becoming Shiva is not easy, but by reciting Shiv Apradh Kshamapan Stotra, we can easily receive Shiva's blessings. Shiva Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram शिव अपराध क्षमापन स्तोत्र संस्कृत में पढ़िए हिंदी अर्थ सहित Shivaparadhakshamapana Stotra Lyrics Listen On YouTube 1. *Aadau karmaprasangaat kalayati kalusham matrikukshau sthitam maam, Vinmootraamedhyamadhye kwathayati nitaram jaatharo jaatavedah, Yadyadvai tatra dukham vyathayati nitaram shak...