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What is Mangal dosh? How Mangalik Dosh Happens in Horoscope or Kundli ?, Effects of  in life as per astrology, solutions to make life hurdle-free. A very important question arises in every one's mind that what is mangal dosh and what are the effects of this dosha and what are the remedies of this curse ? Mangal Dosh Mangal dosh happens when -- Mangal(Mars) sits in lagna, happiness place that is 4th place of horoscope, marriage house i.e seventh place, eights house or in 12th house of horoscope as per vedic astrology. If Mangal(Mars) sits with adverse planet. If Mangal of neech is placed in horoscope. Effects of Mangal Dosha: P roblem in Marriage takes place as per vedic astrology if manglik dosha is present in horoscope. Person may become Short tempered because of malefic mangal in kundli.  Strife(kalah) in Home also takes place due to problematic mangal in birth chart. Adverse effects on personal life Accidents may also occur.  Some ...

Mangal Dosha Impact and Remedies

What is mangalik/KUJA dosha?, How it affect personal life of a person, which pooja is good for relief from mangal dosha,  kuja dosha analysis in birth chart, Astrologer to prediction and solutions. Now a days mangal in kundli has become a very common problem but here I want to say that there is no need to take tension of for mangal. All the mangal is not harmful. Mangal Dosha Impact and Remedies Only through proper analysis it is possible to find the right things about mangal in kundli and there after it is better to take the perfect step to minimize the harmful effects of mangal. Common Thing About Mangal Prediction: There are 12 houses in our horoscope and the Ist house, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house and 12th house is responsible for the mangalik yoga in kundli. When Mars present in the said houses then kuja dosha or bhom dosha is formed. The person who has this yoga is said to be the mangalik male or manglik female. It is also called 'KUJA DOSHA' and ...

Weak Mars And Impacts In Life With Remedies

Weak Mars and impacts in life, Power of Mangal and ways to increase strength,  Astrology ways to live successful life, Best tips from one of the best astrologer. Mars is one of the strongest planet and it's power is also very important in life. Mars represent the strength in body, power in life. It is the energy in the body and mind.  Will power is also affected by Mars. A good Mars person will find way to fulfill his or her wishes in any way. Over power of Mars makes a person short tempered and weak Mars person seems to be cool in nature and some time dull in nature. Weak Mars makes a person energy less and thus the person become lazy, non caring, non creative. Weak Mars And Impacts In Life With Remedies If any one has good power then he or she may enter in defense services. Successful artists also has good power of Mars. Weak Mars may cause anemia disease and disturb the whole life. Weak Mars badly affect the sexual life and may ruin the personal life....