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Showing posts with the label omen astrology


Some Signs Of Monetary Benefits As Per Beliefs

Some signs which shows that money will come from anywhere, Some beliefs related to monetary benefits, Omen astrology. Many type of beliefs are present in our society and there are very important for every one. There are many people who are able to tell about good or bad time just by seeing some events, sign. Some scholars are able to tell about how will be future just by seeing any omen. Some omen are good and some are unfortunate. Some Signs Of Monetary Benefits As Per Beliefs We live in a society where different types of people live, different types of animals live and environment also changes regularly. As per belief, every belief keeps some mystery within it. If anyone understand it then no doubt it is possible to predict many things in life.  In this astrology article we are going to see some OMEN which shows that Money will come from anywhere. Let's See Some OMEN Related To Monetary Benefits: If any one is going somewhere and suddenly MONGOOSE cross from fr...

Omens In Astrology

Omens in Astrology, What is the meaning of omen, importance of omens in life. All over the world people believe in omens, omens are some signs which clears about good and bad happenings in life. In hindi omens means Shakun - Apshakun. We have heard about some one has cancel there journey after certain incident, some does not cross the road if cat passes from road, some feel uncomfortable by crying of dogs and so on, these are all omens. shakoon ke matlab jyotish me We include the following things in omens : unusual sounds of animals. Throbbing of body parts.  Falling of something on body parts. Some special dreams. Some special scenes while starting journey etc.  When any incident takes place without planning and suddenly then calculations are done on the basis of shakun shashtra.  In astrology also omens are considered very much and details are given in "shakun shashtra". In this science of omens are given in broadly. It is not a superstitious ...

Lizard Astrology and Flutter Astrology

Lizard astrology, What happens when lizards falls on specific part of body, lizard omen prediction, prediction through lizard fall, Fluttering astrology, how to predict through sensation on any body part.  In Indian astrology predictions also made by seeing the falling of lizard on any specific part of body. Although there is not any scientific study but by talking to many persons i have found that many one has got the changes after getting touched with lizard unwanted. So here I just want to share this knowledge of lizard astrology. There are also difference of opinion as per the experiences of people. Lizard Astrology and Flutter Astrology If you find any impacts in your life of lizard fall then do share in this blog as a comment. Some says that falling of lizard is auspicious and some says it is inauspicious but it is not so. Good and bad impacts depends upon in which part of body the lizard falls. Just feel by yourself. If lizard falls on Head then it is good...