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Showing posts with the label rahu astrology by astrologer


When Does Rahu gives Tremendous Benefits

When does Rahu make you rich, when does Rahu get lucky?, Can Rahu make you rich?, When Does Rahu gives Tremendous Benefits, राहू कब देता है जबरदस्त फायदा | Whenever Rahu's name comes, people often get scared because according to astrology it is a malefic planet and also represents negative forces. Planet Rahu is the cause of evil eye, negative energies,, evil spirits, anger, bad company, theft, misdeeds, addiction, cruelty, greed, bad words etc. When Does Rahu gives Tremendous Benefits हिंदी में पढ़िए राहू का शुभ फल कब मिलता है ? Let us know which inauspicious yogas are formed When rahu conjunct with other Planets?: Rahu along with various planets in the birth chart form many bad yogas like – Sitting with the Sun will make a solar eclipse/ surya grahan yoga . When Rahu conjoins with the moon, it will form a lunar eclipse/ chandra grahan yoga . Angarak Yoga will be formed by the combination of Rahu and Mars. Chandal Yoga will be formed by the conjunction of Rahu and Jupi...

How To Destroy Malefic Effects Of Rahu?

How to destroy malefic effects of rahu?, how to get rid of problems in life if they are generated by bad rahu, read about easy solutions of dragon head problems. Rahu is a shadow planet but is very important in life. Rahu if positive in birth chart can make a person's life full with name, fame, money power and some magical powers too but if rahu becomes negative in kundli then we can't imagine that what negative impacts it will generate in life. In this article we will know that what are the impacts of rahu and how to protect our life from the negative impacts of rahu. How To Destroy Malefic Effects Of Rahu? Let's see some impacts of rahu in life if it is malefic in horoscope: 1. Rahu if sits with moon it will form the chandra grahan yoga and disturb the life very much. The life of a person affected as per the house in which it is forming. For e.g. if the grahan yoga is forming in lagna then it makes a person's life unstable very much, Thsi type of perso...

Effects of Rahu And Remedies

Effects of Rahu and Remedies in love life, Effects of Rahu and Remedies in social life, Effects of Rahu and Remedies in official life Rahu is also called the dragon head, shadow planet. Human life is greatly affected by the rahu. How the rahu will affect our life depends upon the position in which rahu is placed in our horoscope or kundli.   Rahu Effects and Astrology Remedies Some important thing about rahu- Rahu is a planet which when sit with any planet make grahan yoga in horoscope or kundli. Rahu represent the negativity so if it is present with the opposite planet or zodiac sign then it generates very dangerous effects on person life. A person with rakshas gan and having negative rahu in horoscope or kundli will definitely faces the problem related to evil eye or black magic. It is very beneficial if it is present with the supporting planets or zodiac signs. In that case it will open the way of success. If a person is supported ...

Rahu !! It's Effects on a Person life

Rahu And It's Effect in Life, Yogas Made By dragon head, Problems Created by Rahu and Remedies, Astrologer for solutions of problems through proved ways. Rahu is very important in a person's life if it is placed in good condition then it will give very positive effect but in case of rahu is in adverse condition in a person's horoscope it will create obstacles in life and increase struggle. Rahu !! It's Effects on a Person life It also represent Negative energy and there fore a person also affected by negative energy. It is proved in research that positive rahu can makes a person successful in every segment and also bless with paranormal powers whereas malefic rahu ruin the life of a person from all the direction. So it is very important to take suitable astrology measures by consulting an experience astrologer to make our life smooth and perfect. Rahu when sits with different types of planets generate different types of harmful yoga. Now i am going t...