12 zodiac and related Spells, 12 Rashi Mantra as per vedic astrology, beej mantra of twelve Rashi. 12 Zodiac Spells: We all know that as per vedic astrology there are 12 zodiacs, every person have any one of the 12 zodiacs(Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces). As per information available in epics, there are some spells related with specific zodiac and if a person chant the spell as per his or her zodiac then it is very useful and open the way to success. Spells are the best tools to attract the blessings of any god and so are used for the decades to make life hurdles free. Zodiac Spells For Success Significance of RASHI MANTRA/zodiacs spell: As per astrology if anyone chant the spell as per his or her zodiac daily then no doubt it changes the life of person positively. Zodiac spell help the person to attract name, fame, prosperity because it is related with person. Rashi mantr...