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How To Be a Successful Businessman ?

Importance Of Money, Importance of Astrology in Business, houses In Horoscope Responsible For Success In Business. In present era everyone need monetary power as it is the basis of Social Status, Luxury Life Style etc. Without money nothing happens in life. Some want to do job whole life and some prefer Business to become rich soon. Some people get tremendous success while some face losses in whatever business they enter. How To Be a Successful Businessman ? Planetary supports are necessary to become successful entrepreneur, if malefic stars are not supporting anyone in business then it is good to avoid or at-least adopt some astrology ways to enhance life. There are many yogas found in a horoscope which shows the monetary power of a person and also shows that the person will earn from which way that's why astrology is being used from the ancient times to get the way of success. Want Success in Business !! Consult Now  In kundli/horoscope 2nd,11th and the ce

I Love Saving Money ! What To Do ?

Problem In Saving Money, Places In Horoscope To Know The Saving Positions, How to save money, Remedies from astrologer of unwanted expenses. A Major Problem in the world is the problem of Saving. Most of the person asks their astrologer regarding savings.Some says there is no saving even  i am earning too much, some says my earning is not much so that i may save. The question is same but every one is asking in different way. Read about  How To Please Mahalaxmi? . what to do for savings as per astrology Main Reasons Of Not Having Saving: In horoscope, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 12th place is very important from the point of view of savings.It is seen in this place that which planets are present in these places and in which state i.e. positive or negative and then it is decided that a person is able to save or not. Many Times it is also seen that even after having positive planets on these places, person is not able to save enough that is because of there strength i.e. some

Business Problems_get Remedies

Factor Affecting Business, Some Facts, Reasons of Business Failure,  Ways to Minimize Business Problems, Astrologer for business problems analysis and solutions. Success in a Business depends upon many things. The main question arises that  Why business is not thriving ? Why All efforts to grow business getting fail ? Why the Debt is Growing ? Have You Ever Realized? Your business is constantly moving towards  recession.  Anxiety Starts on reaching at Business place.  Workers are fighting on business place or too much conflicts in the business place. Workers are not working properly and honestly. Workers are not stable. Customers are not satisfying, etc. Business Problems_get Remedies Know The Reasons of Business Failure : There may be many reason of Business failure like as - Evil Eye Effect Problems arises due to wrong Worship or Rituals Effects of Pitra Dosha. Effects of Vastu Dosha. Starting time of some Neech grah i.e. opposite Planet in transit. Ef

Rahu !! It's Effects on a Person life

Rahu And It's Effect in Life, Yogas Made By dragon head, Problems Created by Rahu and Remedies, Astrologer for solutions of problems through proved ways. Rahu is very important in a person's life if it is placed in good condition then it will give very positive effect but in case of rahu is in adverse condition in a person's horoscope it will create obstacles in life and increase struggle. Rahu !! It's Effects on a Person life It also represent Negative energy and there fore a person also affected by negative energy. It is proved in research that positive rahu can makes a person successful in every segment and also bless with paranormal powers whereas malefic rahu ruin the life of a person from all the direction. So it is very important to take suitable astrology measures by consulting an experience astrologer to make our life smooth and perfect. Rahu when sits with different types of planets generate different types of harmful yoga. Now i am going t