Gods within the body, Different parts of body with different gods, Which powers are resides in different parts of body, Miracle within the body. Gods within the body When supreme power has created this world then that power also entered in every creatures and thus with different gods also entered in the body. That's why it is said that 'yat pinde tat brahmande' means whatever is present in this body the same things are present in the world too. It is also said that this body is a temple so worship this body but we are all engage in worshipping god out side the body. The lord brahma also became happy after making the human being because human is the only being which is able to know the supreme power. This is the quality of human being, no other creaturs has this quality. The human life is also known as karma yoni. Because of this very one try to take birth in this earth as a human being because human has the power to get tremendous power with his efforts. It is ...