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Government Job and Astrology| Ways To Get Government Jobs

Government Job and Astrology, Planet Responsible for government job, Ways To get Government Job, Horoscope analysis for Govt. job. Government Job as per kundli Government Job and Astrology. Stability in life is a very important factor and for this Government job keeps very important place.There is a dream of most of the younger to get a government job but very few of them achieve this goal. There is no need to worry about this. In this article you will get some effective tips which will help you to get government job. This will make your future financially sound, secure and freedom to enjoy your life openly. You have found in surroundings that mostly are not getting the government job in spite of doing hard work day and night but another person gets it easily by doing little bit work. It discourage us but this is the reality that luck plays a great role in life. If luck start it will make a beggar, king and if luck plays a negative role then it will make a king beggar.

Chandra Shanti Pooja

benefits of Chandra Shanti pooja, Remedies for better life, How to worship moon, chandra in astrology, Astrologer for analysis of chandra problems in horoscope or kundli. Moon is another important planet which affect our life very much. In hindi we call it chandrama. It's nature is cool and it rules our mind, senses, emotions etc. It is 2nd easily visible planet from earth. On full moon day we can see the power of moon in sea. High tides shows the attraction power of moon. Chandra Shanti Pooja Let's know some important points related to Moon as per vedic astrology: The day of moon or chandra is Monday. Direction Associated With Chandra or Moon is North-West. Color Associated With It is White. Food is curd and rice. Gem stone of Moon is Pearl . Zodiac of Moon is Kark or Cancer. Metal represented by Moon is Silver. हिंदी में पढ़िए चन्द्र शांति पूजा के फायदे   Moon or Chandra is exalted if it is sitting with Taurus zodiac and If chandra is sitting with scor

Surya Shanti Pooja

Surya Shanti pooja, Remedies of sun, surya grah shanti, surya yagya, How to worship sun, Surya in astrology, Impacts of surya in life, surya grah dosh nivaran pooja importance, Astrologer for analysis of surya problems in horoscope or kundli, Surya shanti ke upay. Sun or surya is one of the most important planets and the study of sun in horoscope reading is very essential if we want to know about father, ambition, nature, soul, will power, vitality, relationships with higher authorities, personality, social status, political career, government job etc. It also represents our ego, eyes, honor etc. Surya Shanti Pooja Sury is the only planet which is visible clearly from this earth. Sun gives us energy to carry out our work. Metal represented by surya is Gold. Gem stone of surya is Ruby . Direction of Surya is East. Day of Surya is Sunday. Associated number of surya is 1(one). Zodiac of surya is Singh i.e. Leo. Sun or surya is exalted if it is sitting with Aries zo

Cancer Patient Case Study

horoscope reading of cancer patient in astrology,Cancer Patient Case Study. Case study is very necessary to check whether any subject is genuine and how principles work. In this article I am going to present about a case study of a boy who has passed away at the young age of 27. Unfortunately he is one of my dearest and I treated him as my younger brother, a cute and a life loving person who loves life and enjoyed every moment of life. This case study will show how we are under impact of planetary impact and how our life is controlled by stars. Following are the birth details used for analysis: Date of birth : 16-March-1990 Time of birth 7:00 am Following is the lagn kundli of this boy: Cancer Patient Case Study Following is the Dasha chart in which this boy left this world. dasha clarification Explanation Of This Horoscope: This boy detected last stage cancer in last week of May2018 and in august first week he passed away. Incident took place so fast that in-

What is Vastu?

What is Vastu?, Direction and their lord, Importance of Vastu Science Sthapatya veda is the source of Vastu Shashtra and Sthatya veda is a brancha of Atharva veda. Vastu shashtra is a science of place where a person live, work, play etc. Every place is surrounded with 5 important elements i.e. air, water, sky, Fire and Earth. These 5 elements has a tremendous effect on every thing in this universe. Without these 5 elements we can't imagine a single thing in this universe. The principles given in the vastushastra reveals the mystery to make harmony among these 5 elements in any vastu or place so that to live a successful life.  What is Vastu? If your office, home, factory playground etc is made as per the rules of vastu then it will definitely open prospects for the bright future. But if the vastu is not as per the rules then it will generate negative energy and make the life hell. There in many places you have found that member of family are frequently falling ill, i

Details of Zodiac Signs - 12 राशियाँ

Details of Zodiac 12 Signs in Hindi, Nature and power of 12 zodiac signs in Hindi. details of 12 rashi in jyotish Aries(मेष राशी): मेष राशी पूर्व दिशा की स्वामी है। इसका स्वभाव उग्र है। इसका रंग लाल पीला मिश्रित है। इस राशि वालो को संतान प्राप्ति के लिए संघर्ष करना पड़ता है। अग्नि तत्त्व प्रधान होने के कारण ये पित्त प्रधान है।. साहस, वीरता, ,अहंकार अपने आपको नेता समझना, आश्रितों का ध्यान रखना, पालन ,पोषण करना अपना कर्त्तव्य समझते हैं. ये राशि कठोर परिश्रम करने वाली होती है . ये लोग संकट काल में घबराते नहीं है।. ये लोग व्यापार, विद्द्या क्षेत्र में बहुत तरक्की करते है। Taurus(वृषभ राशी: वृषभ राशि दक्षिण दिशा की स्वामी है. रंग श्वेत है, माध्यम संतान सुख,, वात प्रधान और शुभ राशि है। इसमें स्वार्थ की भावना अधिक होती है . अपने हानि लाभ का पूरा ध्यान रखती है. सामाजिक सेवा की भावना प्रबल होती है।. स्वभाव में कुछ चल कपट भी होता है। मिठास इसका गुण है। इनका गोपनीय व्यवसाय होता है. ये एक रहस्यमय राशि है।. भ्रमण भी अधिक करती है. Gemini (मिथुन): इस राशि को पश्चिम दिशा का

ज्योतिष में शुद्ध ह्रदय योग और वीर योग | Astrology, Good Heart and Power Yoga

ज्योतिष में शुद्ध ह्रदय योग और वीर योग  | Astrology, Good Heart and Power Yoga. good heart yoga and power yoga in horoscope शुद्ध ह्रदय योग : चोथा स्थान दृदय का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। इसे चेतन और ब्रह्म का निवास स्थान भी कहा जाता है। इसलिए कपट या शुद्ध ह्रदय के लिए इस स्थान का विचार किया जाता है . चन्द्र, गुरु, बुध, शुक्र, में से कोई भी गृह अपनी उच्च राशि में ये सवा राशि में हो और सुख भाव में हो तो व्यक्ति शुद्ध ह्रदय का होता है. सुख भाव का स्वामी सवा राशि , उच्च राशि या मूल त्रिकोण में हो तो भी व्यक्ति अच्छे ह्रदय का होग। लग्नेश चौथे में हो और उसे पाप ग्रह न देख रहे हो. सुख इस्थान में रहू के साथ एक या एक से अधिक पाप गृह बैठा हो तो उसका विश्वास नहीं करना चाहिए। वीर योग : वीर पुरुष हर दृष्टि से अच्छा होता है। ज्योतिष में वीर व्यक्ति को जान्ने के लिए योग दिए होते हैं - बलवान मंगल अगर सातवे स्थान में हो तो व्यक्ति वीर होता है। तीसहे स्थान में छ्टे स्थान में या ग्यारहवे स्थान में सूर्य , शनि, मंगल या रहू हो तो व्यक्ति वीर होता है परन्तु ग्रहों का बल अच्छा होना चाहिए। ख