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Impacts Of Moon In 12 Houses Of Horoscope

Impacts of Moon in 12 houses of kundli, Learn About Moon, know about the effects of Moon/Chandrama in 12 houses of horoscope, how Moon/Chandrama puts impacts in our life, astrologer for horoscope reading and astrology tips for successful life. In vedic astrology Moon represent Mother and water related area. So by studying the Moon power and position in horoscope it is possible to know about them. It also give benefits in travelling. As we all know that Moon changes its shape and light in every 15 days and so the person also feels the changes in life if Moon represents lagna or is the master of zodiac in horoscope. effects of moon in 12 houses Chandrama is exalted or uchh in Taurus and Debilitated/neech in Scorpio and so as the person feels the impacts in life. When Moon gets debilitated then person faces health problems, relations with mother affected, thinking power is also affected badly and so on. In different houses Moon shows different impacts, let's see one by o

Impacts Of Mars In 12 Houses Of Horoscope

Impacts of Mars/Mangal in 12 houses of kundli, how it affect our life, astrologer for horoscope reading and astrology tips for successful life.  One of the planet related to strength, power, courage, weapons, relation with brother, uncle etc is Mars/Mangal. It is a fact that good and auspicious Mars makes the person useful for society whereas inauspicious may makes criminal and gives struggling life. Impacts Of Mars In 12 Houses Of Horoscope Good mars bless with progeny, power, courage etc. MANGLIK dosha also arise if Mars sits in specific houses of kundli like as Ist, 4th, 7th, 12th etc. Mangal when sits with rahu or ketu then "Angarak yoga forms in kudndli which gives arise to struggle". It is very necessary to balance the power of Mars in life to live a comfortable and successful life, so if it is generating any malefic impacts then it is good to do remedies as soon as possible.  However let's see the impacts of Mars in all the 12 houses of Kundli:

Devi Mantras For Success

Devi mantra for success, prayer for beauty, prayer for power, prayer for prosperity, prayer for over all success, how to worship goddess for a successful life. The mother of whole universe,  the  power without which lord shiva is nothing, the power which is present everywhere in universe is Goddess Shakti. It is a fact that nothing is impossible for the devotees of goddess durga who is also known as shakti. Goddess Durga is worshipped in different form and there are various mantras/spell available in our scriptures to please shakti. Devi Mantras For Success There are various spells present which are used by devotees to fulfill different wishes. Here in this article I am going to clear about different types of spells of Maha shakti by which one can attain success in life. If anyone want to become beautiful then there is a prayer, if anyone want to become intelligent then there is a prayer, if anyone want to become prosperous, healthy then also there is a prayer. It is fe

Impacts Of Jupiter In 12 Houses of Horoscope or Kundli

Impacts of Jupiter/Guru in 12 houses of kundli, Learn About Budh or Jupiter, know about the effects of Jupiter/Guru in 12 houses of horoscope, how Guru puts impacts in our life, astrologer for horoscope reading and astrology tips for successful life.  Jupiter is the spiritual master among the planets and therefore is respectable by every one. It is the planet of intelligence, spiritual powers, knowledge. A good Jupiter is able to make a person world famous spiritual master. It is also the giver of good children, education, name, fame, glamour etc. A debilitated guru deprive a person from the related things. In vedic astrology Guru is having a very important place and it is said that if any one is having the power of Jupiter only then in-spite of having other malefic planets person is able to get success in life. Impacts Of Jupiter In 12 Houses of Horoscope or Kundli On the other hand if Guru becomes debilitated or negative in horoscope then also gives rise to struggle and o

Weak Moon And Impacts In Life With Remedies

Weak Moon and impacts in life, Power of Moon, how to increase strength of Moon in life, Astrology ways to live successful life, One of the best astrologer to get the success way. Sun is the ball of hot energy and the Moon is the ball of cool energy. Sun is the king of day and Moon shows path n the dark night. People feel cool and energetic in the full moon day. Power of Moon is very essential in life. Many important things of life is represented by Moon power. weak moon effects in life Moon controls the way we think. Moon is affected badly when it sits with Rahu or when it is of Scorpio, or when it is of low degree,  It represent the relations with mother. It decides the zodiac at the time of child birth. Emotional feelings are also governed by Moon. Cancer is the Zodiac which is ruled by Moon. Moon affects many characteristics of our personality like as Intuitions, creativity, Imagination power, our look, power of our sensors. Since it is also related with the liqu

Weak Mercury And Impacts In Life With Remedies

Weak Mercury and impacts in life, Power of Mercury, how to increase strength of Mercury in life, Astrology ways to live successful life, Best tips from one of the best astrologer. Mercury is the planet which give the ability to perform the task intelligently. So Intelligence of any person depends upon the power of Mercury. Weak Mercury compel the person to perform hard work to fulfil wish while powerful Mercury opens the way to live a successful life. Smart ways of working is the result of Mercury. Mercury people know how to handle any situation, how to get the work done easily. So dynamic personality comes up out when Mercury supports any person. Many great writers, orators, scientists, Politicians have the power of Mercury. weak mercury effects remedies Let's See How Weak Mercury Affect Our Life: Weak Mercury affect the intelligence of a person.  It makes a person mentally weak.  Neck, Hand, Skin are ruled by Mercury so weaknesses found in these parts.  It a

Weak Jupiter Impacts in Life And Remedies

Weak Jupiter and impacts in life, Power of Jupiter, how to increase strength of Jupiter in life, Real gems stones for success, Astrology ways to live successful life, Best tips from one of the best astrologer. Jupiter is the planet which if positive in the kundli or horoscope or birth chart then person is able to rock in this world. Positive Jupiter alone is able to reduce the impacts of other malefic planets. So the persons who has good Jupiter and a powerful Jupiter are lucky. Weak Jupiter Impacts in Life And Remedies Jupiter is the planet of Knowledge. This planet is known for the knowledge, this planet is known for its seriousness, this planet is known for the success, this planet is known for it's extra ordinary power.  Jupiter if supports any one then gives respect in society, an honour in society, a special power in society. So it is very important planet. Let's see How weak Jupiter Affect Our Life: Weak Jupiter puts impact in knowledge of a person. Pe