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Mauni Amavasya Importance

Mauni Amavasya importance, what to do on this day for success, tips for successful life from astrologer,  when is mauni/maaghi amavasya, date of maaghi amavasya. Silence is the best way to generate and to store the energy for growth in life. In hindi silence means "Maun". Normally we think that silence means not to talk but it is not so, the main meaning to be in silence is to be silence from within. No wandering of mind, no thinking, no movement, only to be in the state of stability. This will be achieved by intense practice. In the year 2022, Mauni/Maaghi Amavasya is on Ist of Februruary, Tuesday. significance of mauni amavasya हिंदी में पढ़िए  मौनी अमावस्या का महत्त्व Mauni amavasya which falls every years brings an opportunity for everyone to practice silence and to devote the whole day and night to perform spiritual practices. This is the day to take holy bath in holy rivers like Ganga, yamuna, Narmada etc. and then to pray for the peace of growth of ancest

Jealousy Problems And Remedies

What is jealousy, types of jealousy, problems arises due to jealousy, planets responsible for jealousy problems, how to over come from the negative impacts of jealousy problems, best tips by astrologer. A feeling which is not good for any person is jealousy, It is the result of negative thinking and not believing on our-self. If we study the jealous people we can easily find that they are in this state because of there own problems like as fear of losing something, anxiety of something, insecurity due to any personal or professional reason. Jealousy Problems And Remedies It is also seen that pessimistic thinking leads to become a jealous person. This type of negative feeling is not at all good for any one and make the life hell, people don't like these types of person because a negative rays always disturb the environment. Jealousy in Wikipedia If anyone is thinking of destroying someone or something, if anyone is engage in leg-pulling always, if any one get'

Marriage and Concerned Issues

Marriage predictions and related issues, Which house is responsible for marriage, how to know about the successful marriage life, what to do to make the marriage life better, Problems in life due to manglik dosha, Match making necessity, when separation and divorce takes place, astrologer for marriage astrology. Marriage life is a very compromising life. Here 2 different personalities agree to live together for complete life and thus adjustment is needed in every step. Trifles are common in marriage life but sometimes due to misconceptions many big issues arises which ends in divorce. Marriage and Concerned Issues Ups and downs are not only present in marriage relationships but in every relationships we can find that some types of small problems arises time to time but it is better to understand the root cause of problems to over come from it rather then to break any relationship. Here in this article I am going to focus on marriage related issues and there reasons and al

Navagraha Vatika, Navagraha Plants, Navagraha Van

What is Navagraha Vatika or garden, Importance of navagraha Vatika or garden, Plants Related to Navagraha And Directions,Photos of Navagraha Plants. What is Navagraha Vatika ? Navagraha Vatika means garden of 9 planets represented by the plants or trees or bushes or grasses which have the forces of 9 planets. These plants and trees of 9 planets are planted in a particular direction to get the benefit of 9 planets and then it is called the Navagraha Vatika. navagrah vatika Navagraha Vatika For Health , Wealth And Prosperous Life Importance Of Navagraha Vatika ? Navagrah Vatika is very important and source of energy if planted any where. As these plants rpresent different planets i.e. represents different celestial forces so this vatika is used to get the power of navagraha. Lets's see the benefits in points : Navagraha Vatika or garden is used to get the power of Navagraha. It protects the vastu from the malefic effects of 9 planets. It energizes the vastu whe

Horoscope Janam Kundli Service

Horoscope Janam Kundli Service, astrologer for reading, get predictions based on vedic astrology. If you are interested to take astrology services then kundli is the basis of predictions about career, finance, love life, health, job etc.  In vedic astrology kundli is prepared by astrologer by taking the date of birth, time of birth and place of birth.  Here in ‘’, you will get 100% vedic reading of horoscope from astrologer(Dr.Om Prakash Bahatnagar). Horoscope Janam Kundli Service You can get the birth chart report which will have accurate predictions related to malefic and positive planets in horoscope/birth chart/kundli. You will also get remedies of your problems. Astrologer also considers gochar movements of planets for most accurate predictions. Predictions are sent in hindi and English as per the demand of client and easy language is used so that everyone can understand it and also one can clear doubts via phone. Our kundli/birthchart/horoscope is t

Symptoms Of Depression

Symptoms of depression, Reasons of decay, Why faintness without any reason?, Bipolar disorder,  How to over come from depression, astrology tips. As per survey it is found that 36% people In India falls in life due to great depression. It is also found that emotional people easily gets in depression. Expectations in life also creates depression. Depression is a very dangerous type of disease which generally put impacts in every part of body. Due to this person(male, female, child) enter in negative thinking zone. It also causes many different types of other diseases and problems in life. Symptoms Of Depression Let's see some important symptoms of DEPRESSION: If a person is living in sad environment then it may be due to depression. Detachment from the daily routine life and daily normal activities. Irritability in nature, short tempered also happen in depression. Feeling of guilt reside in mind during depression. Disappointment also harass a person. Either

Remedies And Solutions Of Pitru Dosha

Remedies of pitru dosha , How pitru dosha is form, how to getrid of pitru dosha, solutions of pitru dosha. Pitru dosha in kundli is one of the important dosha which creates several types of problems in life. Pitru means ancestors, so any type of problems arises in life due to our ancestors generate pitru dosha in horoscope or life. If proper remedies not done in time then generation to generation pitru dosha transfer and affect life. Remedies And Solutions Of Pitru Dosha Belief Related To Pitru Dosha: Some says that if ancestors not get peace after death then they create problems in family. some says that soul when not free from desires then create problems in family. In astrology Sun represent the father and so if sun is affected badly in horoscope then Pitru dosha is detected and person suffer in life.  Some says that due to impact of malefic rahu pitru dosha arises in horoscope. Some astrologers take saturn responsible for pitru dosha.  If pitru dosha is affec