How to enhance energy in school office as per vastu , स्कूल के ऑफिस में ऊर्जा को कैसे बनाए रखें ज्योतिष और वास्तु अनुसार, Interior tips for school office, and remedies of vastu dosha in school. School is a place where we can learn, study perform experiments, gather knowledge which is necessary for personality development. The future of students depends upon the environment of school and so this is very important to maintain the energy of school. Vastu tips for school office Running school is not only a business but it is the place to create genius who can participate in development of society, city, country so those who are running schools have great responsibility. Here in this article I am going to provide tips to enhance the energy of SCHOOL OFFICE where counseling is done, where parents and student get the first impression. We will know that how we can increase and maintain the energy of school office. Let’s understand the importance of school office: The off...