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Pitrudosha Solutions On Amavasya

Benefits of Pitra Dosh Nivaran Mantra, Pitra Dosh Nivaran Remedies On Amavasya, अमावस्या को पितृ दोष निअरण के उपाय. Shani jayanti Amavasya Remedy: The day of Amavasya is considered the best day to get rid of Pitra Dosha. If there is Pitra Dosha in the horoscope or if someone is repeatedly failing in work due to Pitra Dosha, then Amavasya must be used. In May 2023, Shani Jayanti is on 19th February, Amavasya, so on this day measures can be taken to get the blessings of ancestors and to be free from any kind of curse. If sorrows are not ending in life, it has become difficult to live due to crises, problems are coming in married life, loss in business, not getting job, problems in having children, then there may be Pitru dosh.  Measures can be taken to avoid problems on the AMAVASYA day of Jyestha month. Pitrudosha Solutions On Amavasya हिंदी में पढ़िए अमावस्या के लिए पितृ दोष निवारण के उपाय   Let us know some easy ways to get rid of Pitra Dosh, which can be done on Amavasya.

Vishnu Ashtkam Benefits with Lyrica and Meaning

Vishnu Strotram with Lyrics, Meaning of Vishnu Stotram in english, Shree Hari Strotram , Vishnu Ashtakam . The recitation of Shri Hari Strotram should be done daily but those who cannot do it daily, they should definitely do it on Thursday. Apart from this, Gyaras / Ekadashi and Purnima are also good day to recite the Vishnu Ashtkam or strotram. By reciting this Ashtaka with full devotion and faith, the devotee gets the blessings of Lord Vishnu and attains Vaikuntha. A person's misfortune goes away and success comes in life. Holy basil/Tulsi, yellow colored sweets, yellow fruits should be offered to Vishnu ji. Vishnu Ashtkam Benefits with Lyrica and Meaning हिन्दी मे पढ़िए विष्णु अष्टकम के फायदों और अर्थ के बारे में  Lyrics of Vishnu Stroram In Enlgish: Jagajjalapalam kachat kanthamalam Saratchandrabhalam mahadaithya kalam | Nabho neelakayam duravaramayam,Supadmasahayam Bhajeham Bhajeham ||1|| Sadambhodhivasam galathpushpahasam Jagatsannivasam sathadithyabhasam| Gadhachakrasha

Moon In 12 Houses In Astrology

Moon In 12 Houses In Astrology, know the auspicious and inauspicious effects of Moon in different houses of the horoscope, the result of Moon in the twelve houses in birth chat, कुंडली के अलग अलग भावों में चन्द्रम का फल |  Moon is the closest planet to the Earth. It has strong magnetic power, whose effect we get to see in Amavasya and full moon day. In Vedic astrology, Moon is associated with mind, mother, mental state, morale, material things, nourishment, sensitivity, emotions, travelling, happiness-peace, wealth, blood etc. It is a female planet and it is the lord of Cancer sign. Moon has the fastest speed among all the planets. In Vedic astrology, zodiac sign is decided as per moon placement in horoscope. In this astrologer article, we will know in which house the moon gives good results?, when the moon becomes inauspicious?, what are the results of the moon in different houses of the horoscope, Remedies of malefic moon etc. Moon In 12 Houses In Astrology When moon give auspici

Kaalsarp Removal Mantras

Kaalsarp Removal Mantras, Powerful Sarp Mantras For Kaal sarp removal, कालसर्प निवारण मंत्र,  Mantra to Remove KAAL SARP, Kaal Sarp Dosha Sarp Shanti Mantra, Divine hindu mantras. Kalsarpa Yoga in the birth chart is such a yoga due to which the person has to move forward with struggles in life. This yoga is formed due to Rahu and Ketu in the horoscope. To remove Kalsarp yoga, worship is done, yantras are used, ring is made and many types of mantras are also used. In this article, we will learn about the powerful mantras by chanting which one gets freedom from Kalsarp Dosh, problems end, success starts coming in life. By listening and chanting these mantras daily, miraculous benefits can be seen. Kaalsarp Removal Mantras हिंदी में पढ़िए कालसर्प योग निवारण मंत्रो के बारे में  First of all, let us know How Kalsarp Yoga is formed? When all the planets come between Rahu and Ketu, then kalsarp yog is formed. Due to this yoga, the person faces problems in business, problems in marriage, pr

Sun In 12 Houses in astrology

Sun In 12 Houses in astrology, Auspicious and inauspicious effects of the Sun in different houses in horoscope,, द्वादश भाव में सूर्य का फल | When the Sun, the king of the planets, is auspicious in the birth chart, then it gives honor, fame, Raj Yoga to the native, whereas the inauspicious Sun causes defamation, Pitru Dosha, infamy, conflicts. In Vedic astrology, Sun is also related to soul and father. In this astrology article, we will know in which house Sun gives good results?, when Sun becomes inauspicious?, what are the results of Sun in different houses of the horoscope, etc. When is Sun auspicious? When Sun is in Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, it gives auspicious results. The first house of the horoscope is the house of the Sun. Sun is exalted in Aries Sign. When does Sun give inauspicious results? Sun in Taurus, Capricorn and Aquarius sign become inauspicious and give rise to struggle in professional and personal life. Sun In 12 Houses in astrology हिंदी में पढ़िए कुं

Moon and Mars Conjunction in Horoscope Predictions

What are the benefits of Moon and Marsl conjunction in the birth chart, how Lakshmi Yoga is formed in the horoscope, what is the effect of Moon and Mangal conjunction in different houses. In Horoscope, just as different planets change life by sitting in different houses, similarly the conjunctions of some planets are also capable of changing life tremendously. Some of these planetary conjunctions are very beneficial and some are harmful. In today's astrological article, we will learn about the combination of beneficial planets, due to which the person gets wealth, happiness, prosperity, wishes are fulfilled. We will know about Moon-Mars conjunction: If Moon and Mars sit together in any house of the horoscope, then a special type of DHAN YOGA/Wealth Yoga is formed, which is also known as LAXMI YOGA. Due to its effect, the person is greatly benefited. Native gets all kinds of happiness, wealth, prosperity, respect and prestige. In Vedic astrology, Moon is the symbol of fluidity,

Atmkarak Planet and Karkansh Horoscope Details

What is Atmakaraka planet, how to find out in the horoscope which planet is Atmakaraka, what is the effect of atmkaraka planet on our life?. Our present birth is affected by the deeds of our previous birth. Every person is born with a bundle of his unfulfilled desires and his actions start happening accordingly. Till the time we do not get the knowledge of the truth by the grace of any spiritual master, we keep taking birth again and again with the bundle of our unfulfilled desires. To get out of this cycle is called salvation. The study of Atmakaraka planet also gives us a lot of information about our past life and present life.  Atmkarak Planet and Karkansh Horoscope Details To know this, we have to look at the degree of planets in our birth chart. The planet which has the highest degree is called a ATMKARAK PLANET, For Example if the degree of Moon is 29 and all others are below it, then Moon will be a atmkarak planet. हिंदी में पढ़िए आत्मकारक ग्रह और कारकांश कुंडली का महत्त्व ज्यो