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Bhagwadgeeta chapter 12 verses with meaning

Bhagwadgeeta chapter 12 Shlok with meaning in hindi and english, Shreemad Bhagwat geeta chapter 12 | श्रीमद्भगवद् गीता अध्याय 12 भक्ति योग| Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12, titled "Yoga of Devotion", is an important chapter in the Bhagavad Gita that highlights the importance of devotion and its various forms in one's spiritual journey. In Chapter 12 of the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna seeks guidance from Lord Krishna on the most preferred path to attain spiritual realization. He asks about the difference between those who worship the formless, unmanifested Brahman and those who worship the manifested, personal form of God. Bhagwadgeeta chapter 12 verses with meaning Lord Krishna explains that both paths can lead to liberation, but the path of devotion (bhaktiyoga) is easier and more accessible to most people. He emphasizes that those who devote themselves to Him with unwavering faith, love, and devotion are dear to Him. Such devotees have qualities such as humility, patience, and

Mars transit in Cancer Predictions

Mars transit in Cancer Predictions  2024, know horoscope, Mars Transit in Cancer 2024 predictions, Influence of Debilitated Mars on 12 zodiacs. Mars Transit in Cancer 2024:  When Mars, the planet of courage, energy and power, changes its zodiac sign, big changes are seen in the weather and in the lives of people. On 20 October 2024 at 3:04 pm, Mars will transit from Gemini to Cancer and will become debilitated, so many people will need to be very careful. Mars is the lord of Aries and Scorpio, so the effect of the transit of Mars can be easily seen on them too. Mars is the son of earth and  is related to courage, energy, power, land, weapons, anger, war etc. If Mars is auspicious and powerful in the horoscope, then the person achieves success because of own courage and hard work. Due to inauspicious Mars in the birth chart, problems arise in marriage, accidents may take place, diseases arise time to time etc. Mars transit in Cancer Predictions हिन्दी में पढ़िए मंगल के कर्क राशि में गोचर

Venus Transit in Scorpio date time predictions

Venus Transit In Scorpio date, time and predictions, Check the impacts on 12 zodiacs of shukra transit, Who are lucky and whose struggle will increase as per vedic astrology, शुक्र वृश्चिक राशि में कब प्रवेश करेगा और क्या असर होगा 12 राशियों पर. Venus Transit In Scorpio october 2024: Venus is most shining planet among planets and as per astrology it is related with love life, romance, jewelry, glamour industry, diamond, marriage, success, luxuries etc. and so the transit of VENUS is very important. It brings lots of changes in life.  Here in this article of ASTROSHREE.IN, we will see whose luck will enhance, who will face struggle in life, how will be the professional life, how will be the personal life, how will be the love life etc.  Venus Transit in Scorpio date time predictions When will venus Transit in Scorpio(date and timing)?: On 13 October 2024 Sunday, venus will leave its own sign libra and enter in scorpio at approx 5:49 AM.  Scorpio is a sign associated with depth, int

10 Astrology Reasons of Insomnia and Remedies

10 Astrology Reasons of Insomnia and Remedies, what are the remedies for sleep, which planets cause sleeplessness, how to know the reasons for insomnia from the horoscope?, what are the remedies for good sleep?, Sleep and Astrology. Sleep is considered to be a form of goddess, that is why in goddess worship we pray that - Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Nidra-rupen Sansthita. Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah. That is, salutations again and again to the goddess who resides in the form of sleep in all creatures. A good sleep fills us with energy and those who are not able to sleep well have to go through many problems and many types of diseases also arise. 10 Astrology Reasons of Insomnia and Remedies Relation between sleep and astrology: According to astrology, planets are responsible for every problem, so if you are not able to sleep, then the reason for it can be found out by studying the horoscope.  Watch Video Here Let us know which common reasons affect sleep: If someone w

Significance of Durga Ashtmi

When is durga ashtmi in October 2024 durga puja ashtami time,  ashtami puja 2024, navratri 2024 ashtami date, astrology importance,  Significance and what to do for better life. The 8th day of Navratris or navdurga is very important for every devotee of goddess. This day is celebrated as Maha-Ashtmi/Durga Ashtmi. On this day generally people keep fast and perform prayers to please their Kuldevi, goddess kali or goddess durga. If anyone has not done special rituals on the 7 days of navratris then doing prayers on this day is also sufficient. Ashtami Tithi will start on Thursday, 10th, around 12:33 PM in the afternoon and will last till around 12:07 PM on the 11th.   Significance of Durga Ashtmi Listen Special Durga Ashtmi Mantra There are many stories which tells about importance of Maha-ashtmi – Some believe that on this day goddess kali took birth. Some believe that on this day goddess has finished the MAHISHASUR(the demon). As per astrology the Ashtmi tithi of ever

Saturn in Shatbhisha Nakshatra Impacts On 12 Zodiacs

Saturn in Shatbhisha Nakshatra Impacts On 12 Zodiacs, Saturn transit october 2024, how will be the transit of Saturn in Shatbhisha Nakshatra, what will be the effect of Saturn's transit in Rahu's constellation on 12 zodiac signs?. Saturn Transit October 2024:  Saturn has entered Rahu's constellation Shatbhisha on 3 October, which indicates a big change. It will remain in Shatbhisha Nakshatra till 27 December 2024. According to Vedic astrology, Saturn is related to the fruits of karma, that is why it is called the god of justice. Its speed is the slowest and that is why its effect is also very deep. Just as the planets change zodiac signs, similarly the constellations also change and it also has a great impact on life, environment, business, politics etc. At present, Saturn is in retrograde state in Aquarius and will be direct on 15 November. Saturn in Shatbhisha Nakshatra शनि का शतभिषा नक्षत्र में गोचर का 12 राशियों पर असर   On 3rd, Saturn has entered in Shatabhisha Na

Effects of RETROGRADE Jupiter on the 12 zodiac signs

Effects of RETROGRADE Jupiter on the 12 zodiac signs, when will Jupiter be retrograde in 2024, what will be the effect of retrograde Jupiter on 12 zodiac signs, whose luck will shine, who will need to take special care, Astrology Predictions. Retrograde Jupiter 2024: Jupiter planet is very important in astrology because it is related to Positive Aura, energy, luck, children, religion, knowledge, education, ego, respect, happiness, prosperity, marriage, digestive power etc. On 09 October 2024, Wednesday, at around 10 am, Jupiter will be retrograde in Taurus, after which it will be direct on 4 February 2025 at around 1:45 pm. The thing to keep in mind is that Jupiter will be retrograde in Taurus at 27 degrees, due to which the luck of many people will change. Some will benefit a lot, while some people will have to take some precautions. Effects of RETROGRADE Jupiter on the 12 zodiac signs हिंदी में पढ़िए वक्री गरु का 12 राशियों पर प्रभाव Let us know what will be the effect of retrog