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Which planets will change zodiac in February

February 2025 horocope, Planetary transits in  February, Transit Horoscope of February 2025, Astrology Updates. February 2025 Transit Horoscope : In February 2025, there are going to be very important changes in the transit horoscope, the effects of which will be seen everywhere. According to Vedic astrology, this month the phase of Saturn's constellation will change, Jupiter will be direct, Mercury will change its zodiac twice, the Sun will change its zodiac and Mars will also be direct. Every month many changes takes place in  in the transit horoscope, which affect the weather, career, business, health, politics etc.  In today's article, we will know which planets will change their zodiac in February 2025 and what will be its effect. Which planets will change zodiac in February Watch Video Here Let us know About Important Changes in February 2025 Transit Horoscope: On 2 February 2025 at approx 08:51 am, Saturn will transit in the second...

Zodiac Spells For Success

12 zodiac and related Spells, 12 Rashi Mantra as per vedic astrology, beej mantra of twelve Rashi.  12 Zodiac Spells: We all know that as per vedic astrology there are 12 zodiacs, every person have any one of the 12 zodiacs(Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,  Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces). As per information available in epics, there are some spells related with specific zodiac and if a person chant the spell as per his or  her zodiac then it is very useful and open the way to success.  Spells are the best tools to attract the blessings of any god and so are used for the decades to make life hurdles free. Zodiac Spells For Success Significance of RASHI MANTRA/zodiacs spell: As per astrology if anyone chant the spell as per his or her zodiac daily then no doubt it changes the life of person positively. Zodiac spell help the person to attract name, fame, prosperity because it is related with person.  Rashi mantr...

7 Chakra Healing Beej Mantra For Meditation

7 Chakra Healing Beej Mantra For Meditation, Chakra Meditation Mantra, Awakening of 7 Chakras, Purification of Chakras, Balancing of Chakras. 7 Chakra Healing Beej Mantra For Meditation: Chakra meditation is amazing and if this practice is done daily, then slowly we will see the awakening of dormant powers within us. By meditating on chakras, we will also be able to balance our inner energy. So let's sit on a mat and start this meditation. 7 Chakra Healing Beej Mantra For Meditation Watch Video For Meditation 7 Chakra Healing Beej Mantra For Meditation: First of all, focus on the "Root Chakra i.e. Muladhara Chakra" , it is related to the earth element and "Lam Beej Mantra(लं)" is used to awaken this chakra. So let's chant the "Lam Beej Mantra" first while meditating on Root chakra. Now focus on the "Sacral Chakra i.e. Swadhisthana Chakra" , it is related to the water element and "Vam Beej Mantra(वं)" is chanted to awake...

Benefits of Nakshatra Shanti Mantras

Benefits of Nakshatra Shanti Mantras, Lyrics of Nakshatra Shanti Mantras, why to recite nakshatra shanti strotram?. Benefits of Nakshatra Shanti Mantras: Every person is born in a particular constellation whose effect is seen in their life. There are a total of 27 constellations, some of which give auspicious results and some inauspicious. So, if we recite "Nakshatra Shanti Stotram", we will get a lot of benefits in life. Benefits of Nakshatra Shanti Mantras What are constellations? The moon completes its revolution around the earth in 27.3 days and during this revolution of 360 degrees, it passes through 27 groups of stars. Groups of stars are called constellations. Let us know  which are the 27 constellations?: Ashwin constellation, Bharani constellation, Krittika constellation, Rohini constellation, Mrigasira constellation, Ardra constellation, Punarvasu constellation, Pushya constellation, Ashlesha constellation, Magha constellation, Poorvaphalguni constellation, U...

When will Jupiter DIRECT Effects On 12 Zodiacs

When will Jupiter DIRECT Effects On 12 Zodiacs, When will Jupiter become direct in 2025, which zodiac signs will get good news, how to strengthen Jupiter?. Jupiter Direct 2025: When a very powerful planet changes its position in transit, its effects are easily seen everywhere. According to astrology, Jupiter will become DIRECT in Taurus on 4 February at around 1:46 pm. This will be very beneficial and we will get to see its auspicious results in people's lives. According to astrology, Jupiter is related to wealth, land, grandeur, prosperity, knowledge, ego, happiness, wealth etc., that is why its position in transit is very important. When will Jupiter DIRECT Effects On 12 Zodiacs People who were facing problems due to retrograde Jupiter will get relief, unemployed will get jobs, pending works will be completed, there will be chances of money gain and land gain. Watch Video Here Let us know what will be the effect of Jupiter becoming direct on the 12 zodiac signs: Aries Horo...

Basant Panchmi Significance

when is basant panchmi in 2025, Basant panchmi in India, Importance of vasant panchmi celebration, What to do for success in life?. As per hindu panchang the 5th day of magh shukl paksh is celebrated as Basant panchmi or Vasant panchmi. This is a very important festival for Indians because this is the sign of a very good season in which every one enjoy every moments of life. In 2025, Basant Panchami will be celebrated on Sunday, February 02. The Panchami Tithi will begin on February 2 at around 9:16 am and will last until around 6:54 am on the 3rd. On this day goddess Saraswati is worshipped who is related with knowledge, studies, intelligence and therefore very important for students. It is believed that goddess saraswati was born on this day and so this is the birthday celebration of maa saraswati. Goddess bless devotees with knowledge to get success in this world. हिंदी में पढ़िए बसंत पंचमी कब है और क्या है महत्त्व   Basant Panchmi Significance In this season w...

Venus Transit In Pisces Sign Predictions

When will Venus transit in Pisces in 2025, what will be the effect on 12 zodiac signs when Venus enters Pisces?,  predictions by astrologer( Venus Transit 2025: Venus, the planet associated with love, romance, glamour, beauty, dazzle, will change zodiac sign on 28th of January Tuesday and will transit in its exalted sign Pisces. Its effect will be seen in everyone's life. Some people will get immense wealth, some will get happiness in their love life, some will get life partner of their choice, some will get immense success in their work. In this article of, we will know about the time of transit of Venus and its effect on 12 zodiac signs. Time of Venus Transit in Pisces: On 28th of January 2025 at approx 6:41 AM , Venus will enter its exalted sign Pisces and happiness will come in the lives of many people. Venus Transit In Pisces Sign Predictions 2023 Watch Video On YouTube Let's know the Predictions: Aries Horoscope Prediction...